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"There was nowhere to go. We were outplayed by the man that ruled our lives since the day we made eye contact."

Many men ran down the hallway, holding their rifles and swords, to the main observatory. 

"I could hear their footsteps and the sounds of my fellow companions, telling me to 'hurry' and to 'run', but there wasn't much I could do. I felt the cold, but soft hands of Christine, grab hold of me."

Christine: "Omega! We need to go!"

Omega: "U-Ultra.."

Christine: "Ultra will find another way out-"

A clash of black and purple bolts of energy broke through the walls and men flew back. Swords landed in their bodies and rifles shot around the ship. Christine re-attached her bow to her neck strap and dragged Omega across the ground. They made it to the Teleportation Pad and Christine locked in the coordinates. She held onto Omega's hand and pushed it closer to his heart. 

Omega: "Christine.. Don't.. Leave me.."

Christine: "You're gonna save us, one day. Just like the Prophecy told us."

Omega: "No, it said 'together'-"

Christine: "I need to go save Ultra's ass now. Save us."

Omega: "Christine! Don't-"

Christine pushed the red button and an orange portal opened and she pushed Omega through. Before Christine could have the teleportation process finish, a dagger flew against the controls and she looked back to a man in a black mask. 

"Going somewhere, Christine?"

Christine: "No, and neither are you."

Christine jumped back and held an arrow out to her black bow. She pulled the string and the arrow split into five. The man sent out his sword, at sonic speed, and sliced the arrows down. He shot a black bolt of energy to Christine and she turned into dust. 

"That's the last thing I remember. At this point, there wasn't much I could do. I was ready to give up, until they found me. Beta made a large flesh wound on me, but did he kill me? He would've hoped he did. I just need to know where Omega went."

Omega woke up, in a storage closet, with his hands behind his back. He could barely move, while having cuts all over his body, also with the closet being so small. His sword was stored back as Mana, in his veins, and he pushed the door out. Omega tried to push himself out until a teacher looked down to him. 

"Kid, what are you doing in there?"

Omega: "Kid? Oh, umm.. Help me. Please."

"Ayah. Stay still."

The man dropped his books and held his hands forward and green energy flowed right out of the palms of his hands. The green energy pushed the closet and the entire school back and Omega fell right out. 

Omega: "Damn. Thanks."

"Wanna explain to me why were you in there?"

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