Chapter 7: Shadows

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Omega: "This is unbelievable. Why didn't you guys tell me about this?"

Suttle stared at the wall and Nick rubbed his head. Omega looked over, at Annette, and shook her. 

Omega: "Annette. Please don't tell me you knew about this too."

Annette: "I'm.. I'm sorry, Omega-"

Omega: "GAH!"

S: "Hey. Beta took Rikky too."

Ultra: "But you heard Eko. Rikky will be okay, he is living proof of that."

Jenny: "But they said we're gonna have to fight Rikky. Whatever Beta is doing to him, we won't be able to fight him."

N: "Maybe not you. But, Suttle and I swore to protect you guys, and we will not let anyone take you."

Omega: "So what? Was Mason and Sarah their own family? Why couldn't we protect them?!"

S: "I'm not sure you realized, Omega, but we tried our damn hardest! This entire plan was to protect you!"

Omega: "And why are you guys all caught up in that?!"

S: "Because it was part of the Prophecy!"

Ultra stepped forward and pointed his finger to Suttle. 

Ultra: "Wait, you know about that?"

S: "I.. I have some scrolls, in my office."

Omega: "Where did you get them? And why didn't you show us??"

S: "Merlox. He knew you would come one day."

Omega: "Merlox. I've heard Rikky and Mason talk about him."

N: "Merlox is the strongest Mage, in the universe. He casted the mist that surrounds the school, keeping us away from the Human world."

Omega: "And how does he know about the Prophecy? About me?"

S: "Merlox knows everything."

Ultra: "And where is he?"

S: "No one knows, but we don't need his help to defeat Beta."

Omega: "What did the scrolls tell you?"

S: "All that made sense was, you will not kill Beta, but you are needed for something else. Therefore, you must be kept alive and away from Beta."

Omega: "No, I might be the only one capable of killing him."

Chris: "How? Huh? We lost Jia. We lost Rikky. We lost Mason-"

Omega: "None of you lost Mason the way I did, got it?"

Annette: "What do we do from here?"

Omega: "We practice, we fight, and we prepare for the day or night Beta and Rikky returns. And when that day comes, don't be scared of a little bloodshed."

A rock, near the temple, began moving and a trapdoor had opened. Steven climbed out of the hole, holding a satchel. He rubbed his dirty face and rubbed his hair back. 

Steven: "What did I miss?"

Rikky woke up, surrounded by metal equipment and a large tray, holding many syringes and tools. Beta appeared, by his side, as he struggled to get out of the chair. 

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