Chapter 8: Prince Steven

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Master N held onto his teapot and felt a breeze of air, come into the room. He turned his head and sniffed the air. 

N: "May i help you, Steven?"

Steven: "I.. found the sword. But it feels.. empty."

N: "Have you unleashed it's power?"

Steven: "It's power?"

N: "Well, yes. The sword needs to know you are worry of being it's tamer. The beast, or Tiger, was once a fierce protector of it's realm. Unleashing his ability is hard, but gaining his trust is another."

Steven: "Please. Teach me how do I unlock it-"

N: "That's for you to find out. Everyone will find their weapon, but there are different ways to unlock each hidden ability."

Steven took the sword, wrapped in a rag, out to the pond. He unwrapped it and held the blade, into the air. It seemed like a regular sword, but when Steven looked into the picture, the sword unleashed flames and red runes lit around the hilt. 

Steven: "TURN ON! C'mon!! Why won't you work?!"

Annette: "I am sure it will take time, Steven."

Steven: "Maybe it's just a lie. Something to make me feel better. This is just a plain old sword!"

Annette: "Steven, you don't know that-"

Steven: "Yeah, well. What do you know?!"

Annette's face fell red and she turned her face. 

Steven: "Annette, I'm-"

Annette: "I'll leave you alone now. The rest of us have to worry about saving Rikky."

Annette ran back to the hall and covered her face. The sword instantly gained hundreds of pounds and Steven had dropped the sword. 

Steven: "What the hell?!"

Steven tried to lift the sword, but he couldn't get it off the ground. 

Steven: "Stupid sword. Come off the ground!"

Steven grabbed onto the eye of the sword and everything had stopped. The fish stopped swimming and Steven couldn't feel the breeze. A man laid against the rocks and bit his fingertips. 

Steven: "Where did you come from?! And what do you want??"

"Gee. You are as stuck up as you sound."

Steven: "I demand you to tell me who you are, this instant! I am Prince Steven of-"

"Blah blah blah. Can't you stop acting like a little shit for one second? I started hearing your voice ever since you were born and chosen to pick up my sword."

Steven: "Your sword? I was destined to wield the blade!"

"Oh my god. How dense are you?"

Steven: "Are you calling me stupid?!"

"This is the son of Matt..?"

Steven: "And you knew my dad?"

"Of course I did. He gained the trust of one of my spirit animals to bless the god damn sword you're trying to awaken."

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