Chapter 1: Before Powered

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"Did you forget yet? Forget what you fight for?"

Omega: "I was never sure in the first place.."

"You fought for those you loved. For those you believed in."

Omega: "But what if that's all taken from me?"

"What? Your loved ones? Or your powers?"

Omega: "Both..?"

"As long as you're still breathing, your loved ones still have hope. And power does not come from magical gifts, it comes from your will power."

Omega: "Thank you. But what if-"


Omega's eyes opened and Jia moved back. Suttle went against the wall and Omega jumped back up and held his hand out. 

Jia: "The hell?!"

Omega: "Y-You killed me!"

Jia: "Supposedly, but how are you alive..?"

Omega: "That's what I want to know."

S: "Omega, believe us. We are NOT your enemies, we are just trying to help you-"

Omega: "Stopping my heartbeat will not help me find my powers!"

Jenny: "Maybe he's just useless and doesn't actually have powers."

Omega: "Listen here, you-"

Chris stepped up to Omega, holding a ball of flames. 

Chris: "You what?"

Annette held her sword to Chris's chin and stopped him. 

Annette: "That is enough, Chris."

Chris: "Are you really going to be brainwashed by this newbie??"

Annette: "No, but I'm not gonna follow the orders from an imbecile like you."

Chris lowered his hand and went closer to Jenny. Annette swung her sword back and turned to Suttle. Right as she turned, Jenny struck Omega with an Ice Bolt and splashed onto his chest. His body began to crystallize and he tried to move back, but he was stuck. 

S: "Dammit, Jenny! Nick, put her into detention!"

Jenny: "He's corrupting you guys!!"

Omega: "It's.. Cold.."

Suttle tried to crack the crystals, but they wouldn't budge. 

S: "Chris! Help me!"

Chris: "I stand with Jenny."

S: "Nick! What kind of students are you teaching??!"

N: "They are my students, but will do what they want. I will punish them accordingly."

Omega: "Help.."

"Hold still, kid."

A bolt of Lightning struck down, onto Omega, and he broke out of the crystal. He rolled over the ground and landed on a black pair of shoes. He looked up to an unknown face and stood up. 

The Omega Prophecies: Powered and GiftedWhere stories live. Discover now