Chapter 6: Light and Darkness

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The next morning, Omega looked out the window and the clouds gathered towards their school. Mason poured himself a cup of coffee and took a sip. 

Mason: "Today is the day."

Omega: "It's been great, having you as my mentor."

Mason: "Yeah. I should just.. Leave after all this."

Omega: "What?! You can't leave."

Mason: "I'll join Merlox, wherever he is now. I can't seem to have an apprentice without getting them killed."

Omega: "Mason. You have to stay here and teach everyone else how to fight like you, how to keep going. You're a strong guy. Everyone needs to know how you do it."

Ultra opened the door and nodded to the two. They took their coats and went outside, towards the courtyard. Everyone gathered close and Master N held an orb, in his hands. 

Omega: "So how is this gonna work?"

N: "Like this."

Master N dropped the orb, onto the ground, and it cracked and shattered. The mist went into the air and everyone went silent, as it began raining. 

Omega: "Nothing hap-"

Beta: "I am here for the boy."

Omega turned to the main hallway where Beta stood, wearing his black, demented armor. 

Beta: "Any tricks, and the whole school goes down."

S: "Omega?"

Omega nodded and began walking towards Beta. He teleported closer and held onto Omega's wrist and pulled him down. 

Beta: "Thank you for your cooperation. I will-"

Rikky teleported to Omega and took him back and teleported to the Temple. Mason stepped closer, as a large force field dropped over them. Omega pushed Rikky out of the way and banged his fist against the barrier. 


S: "Mason can deal with Beta."

Mason: "I won't let them take another one of my students.. Not by the same suit of armor that killed Sarah.."

Omega: "Rikky?! How could you!!"

Rikky: "I'm sorry. They were orders from Suttle and I-"

Omega: "Are you guys willing to watch one of your own die again?! To protect you guys?! Just like Sarah?!"

Jenny: "Mason was never one of us."

Omega turned to the barrier and tried to push it. Beta threw his cape downward and summoned his dark sword, as Mason summoned his Lightning Blade. 

Beta: "You're foreseen this battle many times, yet you still deny your loss?"

Mason: "I will not deny my chances of winning are small, but anything to save my pupils."

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