Chapter 5: The Fallen One

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Master N had crafted a spell to lure Beta, to the school again. He nodded to everyone and dropped the spell, onto the ground. Within a couple of minutes, Beta stood, in the courtyard with Annette. 

S: "Annette.."

Beta: "Are you finally willing to surrender, Omega?"

Omega: "Yes. But, here is our deal. You will trade me, for Annette. And you will never come back to harm these people ever again."

Beta: "Hard offer, but I will accept. Take your girl."

Beta threw Annette towards Suttle and he caught her. Omega stepped closer and snapped his fingers. Chris and Jenny began launching Ice and Fire Bolts, to Beta, and he bent over. Vincent found every opening to run in and break his armor apart. 

Vincent: "It's no use! All of the parts are stuck like one!"

Ultra: "What about his gloves??"

Vincent noticed a small gap, between his wrist and gloves. He nodded and ran back in. Vincent began tugging, on the glove, but before it could come off, Beta smacked him across and into the lake. Omega ran to him and picked him up and out. 

Omega: "I can take it from here."

A blue vein of magical essence came from Vincent's body and into Omega's, and he charged himself up. He zoomed towards Beta and pulled the gloves right off. 

Omega: "Rikky!!"

Rikky took hold of Jia and teleported, right in front of Beta. Jia took his hand and looked into Beta's eyes, as everything went silent. 

Jia: "It's over."

Everyone was silent as Beta stood still. Jia began shaking and looked back to Beta. 

Beta: "Nervous?"

Rikky: "What the-"

Beta summoned his sword and stabbed Jia, right through his heart. 

Beta: "Don't play God if you don't have the power to do so."

S: "JIA!"

Beta: "And you, boy-"

Beta struck his sword again, but Omega got him out of there. Beta calmed down and held his hand to Jia. A laser shot out and began burning him. Omega gripped onto the palm of his hand and gripped his teeth. 

Beta: "You look sick, Omega. But in all fair play, you were the one who couldn't keep their word."

Omega: "What is it that you want?"

Beta: "You are the reason why I live, Omega. The reason why I prosper. The reason why I have to kill! All because of what you did, or.. What you're gonna do, at least."

N: "You have seen the future, Beta?"

Beta: "Yes, and it is not a pretty one. I am doing all I can to make the world a better place, both for Humans and Powered."

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