Chapter 9: Demonic Souls

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Rikky appeared back, at Beta's base, and he held onto the wall as he got back up. Beta held onto Rikky's hand as he shattered a crystal, and threw it into the air. 

Rikky: "What was that?"

Beta: "Time Crystal. Those Prophets will not interfere with us again."

Rikky: "I couldn't kill the Omega, but I left a shot on him. He should be weak and we can continue our assault, as soon as you are ready."

Beta: "We will leave it off for a day. I need you to fully understand your powers and not hold back, while not messing up."

Rikky: "Master, may I ask, what is our goal?"

Beta: "Kill the Omega. Kill the Reaper. And retrieve Ultra, alive."

Rikky: "And the others?"

Beta: "Kill them to your hearts content."

As it poured down onto the school, everyone met by the pond and main office as Master N read his speech to say his prayers for Suttle. Annette, Omega and Ultra stood by the porch as Annette began crying on Ultra's shoulder. 

Ultra: "It's going to be okay. Though Rikky is our friend, he will pay for this."

Annette: "We've lost so much. Jia.. Rikky.. And now Suttle."

Omega: "I'm sorry for the pain I brought to you all."

Ultra: "How's your shoulder doing?"

Omega: "If they attacked us now, we'd be screwed. Unless that Prophet wants to visit again and save our asses."

Ultra: "Let's hope for the best."

Ultra tapped Omega's shoulder and went into another vision. He was standing on a battlefield, fighting Beta with Christine, as a large Shadow beast rose over Beta's troops, breathing down fire onto them, burning them into ashes and dust. Ultra moved his hand and Omega and Annette looked over. 

Omega: "You okay?"

Ultra: "Yeah.. I feel like.. Something is different nowadays."

Annette: "How so?"

Ultra: "I don't know, but I feel like something is missing. Or someone.."

N: "Omega."

Omega: "Yes?"

N: "Take this every night, before you go to bed."

Master N handed Omega a glass jar of leaves. 

Omega: "Umm.."

N: "They're recovery leaves. They will heal your wounds and you'll be better to fight."

Annette: "Mas- Nick. What was that, back there?"

N: "What was what?"

Chris: "Your cane. It's also a Scythe? How did we not know this until now?"

N: "There are many things you children don't know about me. Time will come when I have to do what I need to do."

Jenny: "And what is that? Hide a weapon or magical shield from us? One that could've saved us? Jia?? Suttle??"

N: "When I say you don't want to see what I really am-"

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