Chapter 11: A Shadow To Leave Behind

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Omega, Ultra, and Annette got back to their school and Jenny waved to them, from the temple. Ultra carried Omega inside as everyone gathered towards Rikky. Steven laid, on his chest, and looked up. 

N: "I suppose Beta is gone?"

Annette: "Yeah. But he was the least of our problems."

Chris: "What happened to your back??"

Ultra: "Omega tried to play hero and saved a little girl."

Omega: "I would risk my life for another any day."

Annette: "I'll get you patched up. How's Rikky?"

Steven: "He's.. I'm sorry, buddy!"

Steven felt someone's arm, brushing his back. 

Rikky: "It's okay, bud. I forgive you."

Steven: "RIKKY?!"

Rikky: "He- Ow. You got me pretty good."

Steven: "God damn."

Rikky: "Guess you don't need a bodyguard like me around, do you?"

Steven: "Only if you want to leave."

Rikky: "Like hell. We're partners, remember?"

Everyone got around to give hugs to Steven as Annette took Omega to his room. She took the bandages out and sat him down. He took off his shirt and turned around as Annette wrapped him. 

Annette: "Thanks."

Omega: "For what?"

Annette: "For saving everyone.."

Omega: "It wasn't a win. I feel like Beta was trying to help us-"

Annette: "By killing you??"

Omega: "I was the reason Mason, Suttle, and Jia died. In a way, I think I could have prevented Sarah's death, as well."

Annette: "Hey!"

Annette turned Omega around and looked into his eyes. Omega sighed and turned down. 

Annette: "You're not responsible for any of this. We're a team."

Omega: "What Beta said.. I think he-"

Annette held Omega up and kissed him. He held onto her cheek and pushed her away. 

Omega: "Chr- Annette. I'm sorry. I can't do this."

Annette: "No, it's my fault. I didn't mean to-"

Omega: "It's fine. We should go see Rikky."

Annette: "No, I'll go ahead. You can stay here and rest. I'll send him your regards."

Omega: "Thanks."

Omega laid back and rested on the couch. Annette left the room and went down to the temple. Omega sighed and shut his eyes. He felt a shift, in his back, and went to the restroom. Annette got inside and Ultra went next to her. 

Ultra: "You think Beta got into Omega's head?"

Annette: "Not sure, but we should give him some time to heal. Especially after all that Prophet stuff."

N: "So, how did you kill Beta?"

Ultra: "When Omega got him down, the Prophets showed up."

Jenny: "Eko?"

Annette: "No, there were two more. But they were there to kill Beta, in which they did."

Master N felt a crash, from outside. He suddenly felt uneasy and fell off of his cane. Everyone ran around to Nick, trying to hold him up. 

Chris: "Is something wrong?"

N: "The Mist.. It was broken down."

Rikky: "Wait, what are you talking about?"

N: "Merlox's Mist, to hide the school. Someone broke the spell barrier, keeping us away."

Steven: "Who is even strong enough to do such a-"

Eko: "Hello everyone."

Annette: "Eko..?"

Ultra: "Something is wrong.."

Eko: "I am sorry, friends."

N: "Guys.. I'm sensing many others.."

Jenny: "Eko! What did you do??"

Three other Prophets broke into the temple and had tranquilizers and shot everyone down. As Annette fell, she held out her hand to the door. 

Annette: "Omega.."

Omega looked back, to the Temple, and sighed as he opened the gate to the outside world. He opened the gate, and before exiting the mist, a yellow prophet had confronted him. 

"Omega. You are coming with us."

Omega: "I will be leaving and continuing my part of the Prophecy."

"Then I will take you by force."

Omega: "Shadow Mode."

The dark spirit, Shadow, covered Omega's body and combined the two powers together. Lightning and Shadow. The Prophet reached for his saber, but ten shadow tentacles came out of Omega's back and stabbed through the Prophet's armor. Blood dripped out of his armor and Omega walked past the Prophet and pushed him away. 

"You let me kill without a flinch."

Omega: "My memories are coming back, and if this really involves Matthew, I'm gonna have to go all out."

Omega left the mist and the purple Prophet turned towards the door. 

Eko: "What's wrong, Zonix?"

Zonix: "Omega just left."

Eko: "How can you tell?"

Zonix: "Because the Shadow is with him. Track them, Carcius and Alpha."




"I believe that we can all hope Omega will find Matthew and finish what he failed to do, before we met. If I had killed Omega, Matthew would have no reason to look for the Death Blade, or what we call, The Dark Sword. I cursed myself to wield the blade and its mark, to prevent such destruction upon the world, even the universe. As of those two Prophets, they suffered the wrath of the Destructor. Eko made it out alive to tell Zonix. Omega must convince Ultra to not take the mantle of- I've said too much. Omega, if you are reading this, do not mess up. Fate.. She is on your side."

The End of Volume One

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