Chapter 2: One For One

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The next day, Omega and Mason went out of the School Gates again and everyone went back to class. By 8, the man came back, holding onto an unconscious Annette. Everyone was summoned and Suttle held his fist to the man. 

S: "Let Annette go. Now."

"This man. I thought I had killed you."

S: "We have a couple tricks up our sleeves."

"Isn't that right, Jia?"

Jia hid, in the back, and Suttle looked back to him. 

S: "How do you know about Jia?"

"Doesn't matter to you. I maybe one of you. Have you taken into consideration that I may be Mason, looking for Omega?"

Mason: "Not really."

Mason stood behind the man and pushed him forward. He reacted, quickly, and struck his sword out. Mason held his hand, to the sky, and summoned his Lightning Blade. The two swords clashed, but the man had the better stance. 

"The Lightning Blade. It is no mere myth."

Mason: "I've never seen a sword that could stand against The Lightning Blade.."

"There is more than one S class weapon, in this universe, you know?"

The man pushed Mason back and sliced his leg and kicked his sword into the air. Jenny shot an Ice Bolt to the man but the armor deflected the bolt right off. Chris melted the bolt and stood in front of her. Master N took his cane apart and struck towards the man. He flicked Nick off and looked towards Suttle. 

"The man in charge refuses to die?"

He reached over for Suttle until a barrier dropped over him. He looked back to Mason and he stuck his sword, into the ground, and sighed. 

Mason: "Deal with me first."

"And the boy?"

Mason looked over to Omega, who was still inside the barrier. Before he could think, the man sped over to Omega and grasped onto his neck. Omega began suffocating and kicking the man back. Mason sent a shockwave, into the ground, and electrocuted the man. 

Mason: "Rikky! Now's your time to shine and pay me back!"

Rikky teleported into the barrier and took Omega and teleported back outside. He nodded to Mason and Omega went running back. 

Omega: "NOO!"

S: "What are you doing?! You idiot!!"


N: "He can handle him-"

Omega: "No.. No, he can't."

Vincent: "What are you talking about?"

Omega: "I know him. I know that man.."

Three days ago..

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