04: kissing strangers

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*fmv; baehyuns

I entered the club, greeted by the booming bass and a few drunk people who could barely see where they're going. I thought the party just started? How long have they been drinking to get that intoxicated? I shrugged it off as I turn to a corner, delving deeper and soon passing through another realm of endless partying. This is Nanhee's world. Although on the exterior, she's the epitome of kindness, she is fond of this method of fun. Ever since I've known her in med school, she's always been an outgoing person and I liked that about her. It's that kind of personality that attracts me to her along with her gentle nature and her warm smiles.

"Hoseok hyung!"

I turned to my right and instantly found Jungkook waving from afar. He began to cross the thick crowd of bodies and made his way to me. "I didn't think you'd actually come."

"I didn't think I would too. It was a spur of the moment decision." I shouted over the music and still my voice is being drowned. "Anyway, happy birthday!"

"What?" Jungkook yelled back, offering his ear to me so he can hear me clearly.

"I said happy birthday!"

"Ohh. Thanks man." Jungkook laughed over the deafening music. "I can't hear clearly down here."

"Yeah. It's too loud!" I reiterated, straining my voice.

"There's a private room upstairs. Nanhee is there with some of her friends. Come, I'll show you." Jungkook said and then he grabbed my arm and led me there. "She's going to be so happy when she sees you." He added as I followed closely behind him.

We climbed a flight of stairs to a room that overlooked the dance floor below. I glanced up to look at the room upstairs and I saw Nanhee. Another guy's arm was over her shoulder and from how I see it, she's very okay with it. It disappointed me a bit but I shouldn't let it ruin the night. It's Jungkook's birthday. Nanhee is not the only reason why I came tonight.

"Look who's here!" Jungkook announced to the people inside the room.

I recognized the faces of a few people I know from the hospital. Some are nurses who are Jungkook's co-workers and some were mine. Dr. Kim, the incredibly vocal one with the deep dimples as the nurses implied, and Dr. Park, the other outgoing and impossibly friendly doctor in my department. He's got connections everywhere.

"Finally out to have some real fun, Dr. Jung?" Jimin was the first to tease me as he pushed me to the center of the room, latching his arm around my shoulders.

"Hoseok!" Nanhee jumped out from behind me, casually looping her arm around mine as she sent me a grin, "I'm so glad you're here. What made you change your mind?"


I should've told her that but I can't bring my tongue to enunciate the three letter word. I cleared my throat and spoke, "I didn't tell anyone I'm going here. Taehyung is currently covering for me so I can't stay long."

"That's alright. We'll make your time worth while." Nanhee smiled and pulled me to where her friends are, "Girls, may I have your attention please?"

All her girlfriends are now looking at me, eyeing me carefully like I'm an animal inside a cage. "Let me introduce you to one of my long time friends from med school and now my good colleague, Jung Hoseok."

"Then he's a Doctor too?" Asked one of the girls. She had shoulder length, black wavy hair. She bit her lip when our eyes met, "He's cute and something tells me he's sexy underneath those clothes. Are you single?"

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