19; the people in my life

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"Doctor, please save my son. Please, I'm begging you to do everything to save him." The mother of a patient was crying and clinging onto Dr. Min's arm. She is still quite young but she didn't look like her age. "I will pay.. no matter how much.. just save him."

Dr. Min's expression did not even waver. He placed his hand on her shoulder, "The surgery will take about 2 hours. It's a simple procedure and usually has lower risk of complications. Everything is prepared and we will do our best."

He sounded very robotic with no emotions at all like an automated voicemail. I was supposed to follow after him into the OR but I felt her hand on my arm, "We don't have much money but please give him the most expensive treatment."

"We will make sure to use only the best for him." I send a warm smile towards her, just to calm her.

She grabs at my hands unexpectedly and repeatedly thanks me. In that moment, I felt it. A mother's love. I looked at her face and it reminded me of my mom.

I went in the OR and scrubbed my hands to prepare for the surgery. The patient is on the table and everything has been prepared. I stood by the sterile table and the nurse assisted me in donning a sterile gown before putting on the lead gown. Dr. Min came a few minutes after in his pale blue scrubs, hands kept above the waist, elbows facing the floor. "Is the patient asleep?"

"Yes, he is. I gave him a bit of Propofol and he's out like light." The Anesthesiologist said, turning to his machine, "Vitals are all stable too."

"He's is prepared, Dr. Min. We can start." I told him, breathing through a mask, as I stood across from him and next to the patient.

"Alright." Dr. Min is a man of few words. He dislikes putting his energy on unnecessary work. He scans all the equipments and listened to the count of instruments.

"All instruments and sponges are accounted for," The circulating nurse announces and we both nod.

"So we're going to insert a Pacemaker. This will take us roughly 2 hours." Dr. Min gives everyone a glance. "Lead Surgeon, Dr. Min Yoongi. Assistant Surgeon, Dr. Jung Hoseok. Let's start."

Dr. Min takes the scalpel and pierces it into the skin in a second without hesitation. I handed him a wire and the electrode attached to it.

"Flush." The nurse hands him a 10 syringe for flushing out the vein. "I'm going in now. X-ray machine."

We both look up at the monitor to see where the small wire goes as he inserts into a huge vein that goes to the heart. Dr. Min doesn't remove his eyes from the monitor as he guides the wire in and succeeds. The pacemaker is in.

"Dr. Min, a call came from the ER." The nurse approached from behind him, in order to keep the field sterile, and placed the receiver near his ear. He nodded once, "Okay."

"Dr. Jung, can you finish up here?" He looks at me.

"Yes." We switched places immediately and I took the wire between my fingers, carefully pushing it further inside the vein while watching through a monitor.

"All the vitals are stable except for the heart rate. It's 52. Still bradycardic." The nurse states and keeps her eyes on the cardiac monitor.

"Just do a test run before closing up." Dr. Min removed his gown and threw it in the bin. He stood near the door of the OR then sent me one last look, "Can I go now, Dr. Jung?"

I gave him a nod. "Thank you for your help."


"Hoseok!" I turned around when I heard my name and found Taehyung jogging down the slope with his bicycle in tow. He grinned when he finally caught up to me, "Let's go home together."

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