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Jimin waited for the perfect time to talk to her even though he's perfectly aware that she's been avoiding him ever since they had a big argument that ended with him confessing to her. Jimin has always been ambitious. He's cunning, skillful and goal oriented. He knows what he wants and always gets whatever it is but when it comes to Nanhee, he knows it's next to impossible.

Everyone liked Nanhee. She's nice and down to earth despite coming from a well known family. She never bragged or made anyone feel inferior to her but, nevertheless, they felt it when they are around her. She just has that aura to her. That's why Jimin always felt like she's way out of his league when he was with her but he's happy despite that.

"I know you didn't mean that." Jimin said as soon as he got Nanhee cornered inside the on call room. "It's your parents, isn't it? They won't approve of us. That's why you're cutting ties with me."

"Us?" Nanhee questioned then began to laugh. "There is no us in the first place Jimin. You and I both agreed before we started, whatever this is, that there will be no relationship. That this will just be a casual thing."

"So you're telling me that after all this time, you really don't feel an ounce of care for me?" Jimin asked, testing her facade because he knows too well that she has some feelings for him, if not the same with him. He knows when they're together that she was at least genuinely happy.

"We've been doing this for quite some time. It's only natural to feel attached." She said straight out but Jimin is not buying any of it. He doesn't understand her. "I think it's best for us to end it completely."

"Maybe you're right." Jimin replied after some time. He looked up at her face with a cold gaze, "This is all just a misunderstanding. Thanks for clearing it up."

With that said, he walked out of the room and left her alone. Nanhee sat herself down on the stairs and frustratedly combed her fingers through her hair. It was never supposed to go this far. She was not supposed to have feelings for him in the first place.


"'Sup Tae?" Namjoon puts his food tray next to Taehyung, nudging his arm.

"'Sup Joon?" Taehyung mumbles with a mouthful of food. He held his hand up to his friend and carefully chewed his food before swallowing all of it to clear his mouth for talking.

"Whoa, slow down, man. You look like you're in a hurry." Namjoon chuckled, patting Taehyung on the back.

"I have to hurry. I might get called anytime. Oh God, I forgot how amazing food tastes in this cafeteria." Taehyung explained, humming in appreciation then he finished his juice box in one sip. "I've been living like this since I got transferred to Surgery. How long do I have to suffer? What did I do to deserve this?"

"Hey, at least you're with Hoseok now. Didn't he get transferred there too?" Namjoon starts with his potato salad. Taehyung just nods. He lifts his head up when he spied the man of the hour coming. "Speaking of Hoseok."

Namjoon waved him over but Hoseok had other plans. He turns to his right and joins the lone dark haired man, "Can I sit here?"

Jimin looks up, wondering why Hoseok was talking to him now, but nonetheless, invited him to sit down with him. "I thought we weren't talking because I'm not good enough to be your friend." He said in a bitter tone.

"Maybe I got a bit carried away by my emotions." Hoseok started as Jimin ate in silence. "I was angry that you didn't tell me what was going on with you. That's why I got emotional with you that day."

"I don't even know what is going on myself. How the hell am I supposed to tell you?" Jimin mutters under his breath but it was loud enough for the other party to hear.

"Fine. When you've sorted out whatever it is you're going through right now, just know that you can talk to me." Hoseok stands up and takes his food tray off the table. He patted the Jimin's back as he passed by him.

Hoseok immediately felt his heart lighten afterwards. It was difficult for him to see one of his friends struggling when he knows he can be of help to them even just by listening. That mere action makes a difference. He knows because when he was in Jimin's place, he wished he had someone to talk to. He wished he had someone to share his feelings with when he was scared of losing his mother.

"I have to go." Taehyung briskly moved as Hoseok sat down. He shoves his phone in his scrubs pocket and takes his white coat from the back of the chair.

"What is it now?" Namjoon asked as he watched the other one rushing to get to where he was called just moments ago.

"ER. There's an emergency case that needs surgery. I'm on call." Taehyung rambles on as he throws his coat behind his back and slips his arms in. "I have to run. Bye."

"Ah, that guy is so passionate." Namjoon commented as Taehyung ran out of the cafeteria.

"That's why you should be more like him." Hoseok chuckles and began eating.

"Hey, I'm hurt!" Namjoon said, his hands over his chest as he faked an expression. "I could be that passionate too, but, I'm tired most of the time."

"Isn't everyone?" Hoseok's spoon came against Namjoon's forehead, making him blink twice. "Your phone is ringing."

"Oh." Namjoon said. There were 6 missed calls when he finally noticed it. He picks it up and placed it beside his ear, "Yes. This is Dr. Kim. Ward 6? What happened? Okay, for now sedate him with Diazepam 10mg slow IV and keep him on the monitor. I'm on my way."

"What was that?" Hoseok lifts his head up as Namjoon rushed to gather his things too.

"Have to go. No time to explain." Was Namjoon's short answers before he ran.

Hoseok noticed something unusual with the way he walked. Namjoon's right shoulder is drooping and his arm is slumped on his side, soon he was dragging his right leg. By that time, Hoseok knew something was up. He saw Jimin get up from where he was seated to run and catch Namjoon as he was collapsing with no prior warning.

Jimin caught Namjoon and prevented his head from hitting the ground and causing a concussion. He gently placed him down and began tapping his cheek for a reaction. "Hey Namjoon. Wake up."

Hoseok scanned the unconscious man's body quickly, picking up a few hints here and there, in an attempt for a diagnosis. He knelt down beside Namjoon, flashing his pen light at his right pupil, "Unreactive. He's having a stroke."

author's note;
I apologize for my lack of updates on this book. I'm trying to make up ideas for this cos I think it's getting boring..

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