24; hopeless romantic

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Ever since I quit my other job, it's been quite a struggle to make it until the end of the month. I didn't realize how big I was paying for my flat. I guess I'll have to move somewhere else. Being a doctor is not enough but I'm almost done with saving up for my mom's eye surgery. I haven't told her yet. I'm sure it would take me a lot of convincing before she agrees to it.

For now, I'll have to stick to a budget. I've cut down my food expenses and take more hours of overtime as much as I could. What's a little sacrifice? I'm sure this will all be worth it.


I turned around to see who called my name and found Namjoon running up to me. "Going for lunch?"

"Yeah, you too?" I asked and he nodded, putting an arm around my shoulder.

"Let's go to that new place in front of the hospital." Namjoon said, partially dragging me there. "We might find someone cute there."

"Just last week you were depressed about a girl breaking up with you." I could onlyshake my head and smile at his resiliency.

"What? Life is too short to be hung up on some girl." He grinned widely. Namjoon is a great guy but he really has the worst luck in dating.

We ordered food at the restaurant Namjoon suggested and had half an hour to spend before our break is over. I took my phone from my pocket to check for any messages. My inbox had a bunch of useless messages like promos, work stuff, etc. but there not a single one from the person I've been expecting the most. I ended up sighing in defeat as I place my phone down on the table. I didn't notice Namjoon watching me during that time.

"Hmm. This is new." Namjoon squinted his eyes towards me while he sipped on his iced coffee. "Hoseok, you do realize that you've checked your phone at least seven times since we came here. Interesting..."

"It's normal to look at your phone." I laughed and played it cool.

"Not to you." Namjoon shook his head, "I've known you for a long time and I know for a fact  you don't check on your phone this much. And when you use your phone, it's either to call your mom or to answer a call from work.. I think it's none of those."

Namjoon displayed a knowing smile and I was left with no choice. He found me out. "Fine. You're right."

"I knew it! Is it a girl?" He sat straight up, eager to learn more. Namjoon's smile grew bigger when I couldn't answer straight away. "It is, isn't it!"

I nodded. I really am too obvious. I'm so bad at hiding things. "I asked someone out on a date.. well, not exactly a date. I asked her if we could have coffee sometime but she hasn't replied yet."

"Seriously? Maybe she doesn't like you?" Namjoon said, leaning his back against the chair. "Because if she did, she would've replied already."

Maybe she doesn't like me huh? I smiled bitterly to myself. Maybe. What can she even like in me? I don't drive any car. I look a bit shabby. I never cared about how I looked or dressed. I'm too plain.

"But give her some time. She might come around." Namjoon told me. "Girls don't actually like clingy guys."

"Who would want to listen to your dating advice, Namjoon?"

We both looked up to the person who just joined us. Jimin looked down at Namjoon and sat with us on our table. "Anyway, Hoseok, you're asking advice from the worst person. Just look at him, he just got dumped!"

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