08: the nazi

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| hoseok's point of view

I was wondering what's why it's so loud in the On Call room when I came to report for another 48 hours of duty today and to my surprise, I found ten fresh, new faces staring back at me with wide eyed looks as I hold the door open. I couldn't handle those hesitant smiles and giddy expressions as they expect a lot more on their first day of working in the hospital so I just went about my business, closing the door and placing my things in my locker. I was not in my most perfect mood after I had talked with Dr. Seokjin about the sudden turnover of departments. A series of unfortunate events are happening to me lately as my service is now transferred to the Surgery Department, which means I will be working with Taehyung and, with special mention, Dr. Min Yoongi.

The feared one or as they call him now in the Surgery Department – Min Nazi. I put my scrubs on, listening in on the intern's conversation as they talked on and on about how they're so excited and what kinds of procedures they'd be learning on the first day. They sound as if being an intern is a good thing. Yeah, right. Being an intern only means that you are at the bottom of the medical food chain, sometimes, even lower than the nurses. You're basically treated as nothing but someone who runs the labs and does the errands. If you're lucky and smart, you might just survive throughout the day by not asking your respective resident if you can do any procedures on your first day.

Just then, the swung open and the chief of our Department, the one I saw this morning, strutted in with my good friend, Kim Namjoon. "Goodmorning everyone, I'm assuming that you all are settled in and ready for your first day?"

The group nodded and smiled zealously which reminded me of my first day as an intern. I cringed at the thought of my intern years because they were no good memories at all. At least I'm done with that. "This is Dr. Kim Namjoon and five of you will be under his supervision while the other group of five will be under Dr. Jung Hoseok."

I flinched at the mention of my name. Then one of them raised a hand, checking her prepared notes, "I'm sorry but I don't have information on Dr. Jung yet. We haven't met him too. Could you tell us something about him?"

"You can ask him personally since he's right over there." Seokjin gave the innocent youth a wide smile as he turned the attention over to me. Heads turned to where I am and I saw Namjoon snicker. "Now that you already know who your residents are, my job here is done. I wish you good luck on your first day."

"Isn't this cool? We have interns now." Namjoon whispered behind me as we escape the crowded room and proceeded in the clean hallway. "I'm going to make their lives a living hell. Watch."

"Alright." Namjoon turned to his interns and clapped his hands together to get their attention which he succeeded at. "I only have five rules. Make sure you memorize them by heart. Rule number one, don't bother sucking up. I already hate everything about interns. Don't make me hate you more. Two, do as I tell you to absolutely no questions allowed. Three, answer your pagers. I want you running when I page. Four, do not disturb me when I'm sleeping. You better have a good reason if you wake me up. If a patient is dying, that patient better be alive when I get there cause if he's dead, not only did you kill someone but you also just woke me up for no good reason. Understoood?"

"You said five rules." A smart looking young man dared to speak out. "You only mentioned four."

"Rule number five, where I go, you go." Namjoon spoke before lowkey sending me a smirk. He turned on his heels and began walking into the hallway, his coat handsomely flying behind his back as he squared his shoulders out only to realize that his interns are still standing in the same spot.

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