07: first love

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It was already awkward enough that I have to be on the same shift as Jimin but to make everything worst, Taehyung — the only neutral person I can talk to — had to be called into an emergency surgery just as we sat together for lunch. I already know just by the look on his face that the call did not bring him any good news. Taehyung was transferred under Dr. Min just last week and it already has taken a toll on him. His usual cheery self was gone and Min Yoongi's frown seemed to have rubbed off on him these past few days. He seemed to be suffering a whole lot.

Taehyung gave me an apologetic look after the call ended, taking off his white coat, leaving himself in his baby blue scrubs, "I really am sorry but he just told me he needs me to assist him in a laparotomy case

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Taehyung gave me an apologetic look after the call ended, taking off his white coat, leaving himself in his baby blue scrubs, "I really am sorry but he just told me he needs me to assist him in a laparotomy case. I couldn't refuse."

I really do pity him so I gave him a nod. "Yeah. Just go." He was about to run off when I called him back, "Aren't you going to eat anything? In that rate, you'll pass out from hunger in the middle of an operation. That won't look good."

"You're right. I'll take this." Taehyung said as he grabbed a muffin and stuffed it in his mouth like a cave man. He then grabbed the banana too and my drink, "I'll take these too."

Taehyung began to run as he shouted back at me. "I owe you my life! Thanks man."

I waved him off and sent him on his way. I was sure I saw Jimin sitting just a few tables behind me. I could also feel his stares behind my back. A few seconds later, he approached me. He sat down across me. I kept eating while he looked miserable in front of me. The reason why I couldn't force myself to ignore him longer.

"I really wanted to tell you but I just couldn't find the right timing.." Jimin started subtly. I did no effort to talk but I listened to what he has to say. "I know you like Nanhee."

I stopped eating and placed my hand on the table beside my food tray. Jimin studied the lack of reaction on my face as I prepared to speak, "I'm not upset because of Nanhee. She's just a girl I had a crush on, Jimin. I just felt upset because, all this time, I thought you're one of my friends." I stood up. He remained seated with his head down. "Well, I am sorry that you don't share the same sentiments with me. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go back to work."

Namjoon now knew about everything and, thankfully, did not mention anything around me. Although, he keeps on cracking jokes to lighten the mood. I appreciate his efforts but the more I acknowledge him, the more he thinks it's okay. I avoided bumping into him. It was going well until he caught me while the nurse was telling me the latest labs of a patient of mine.

"His platelet count is dropping because of the medication. It's a normal response." I told him then I wrote down a new order for a transfusion, "Secure 2 units of platelet properly crossmatched and transfuse once available. And continue to monitor his blood count."

Namjoon's hand rested on my shoulders, attempting a massage. I made him stop and broke away from him, "That's not a massage. That's bone crushing."

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