Chapter 8 - Expedition

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"I can't believe he's letting you join up!" Hanji exclaimed before enveloping me in a bone-breaking hug. "Congratulations"

Hanji released me from her embrace and I sucked in air, trying to compensate for the oxygen that the excited woman had knocked out of me with her hug. She was way stronger than she looked.

"Well..." Hanji started. "What are you waiting for?! Lets get started!"

I followed Hanji out into the courtyard where we reached a rectangular shaped frame, made out of wood.

"This is for people who are new to 3DMG. Your balance needs to be perfect if you're gonna be able to use the gear" The section commander explained.

Hanji helped me to put on the belts and buckles required to use the maneuver gear, and I wondered how I was ever going to remember how to put it all on, especially because most of the belts looked the exact same.

I was hooked up to the wooden structure, and Hanji pulled a few ropes attached to the gear on my waist, lifting me into the air.

I wobbled a little bit, but managed to stay upright.

"Woah!" Hanji exclaimed, taking me by surprise. "You're a natural! Your balance is amazing!"

"Really?" I asked.

Hanji nodded, looking like a proud big sister. She helped me out of the gear and told me that I was almost ready to use it in the forest. The very thought of going back into a forest excited me, not to mention flying. All I wanted to do since I was brought to the camp was have a go at using the 3DMG, and now I was so close!

As the both of us walked back into the camp to do some more training, I looked up to Erwin's office window to see if I could spot him at his desk, and I could have sworn that I saw him for a split second, looking down at me, smiling at my efforts.

Later that night, I found myself in Erwin's office again, and we talked about how my first day of training went.

"Hanji's not scaring you away is she?" Erwin asked.

I shook my head with a smile. "You won't get rid of me that easily"

"Of course not" The commander chuckled. "I expected no less of you"

Erwin sounded genuinely interested in what I had to say. He made me feel important, which is a sensation I hadn't felt in a very long time. Not since my mom died anyway.

My reading in the commander's office soon became an everyday occurrence. I would sit and read whilst Erwin would ponder over the work on his desk.

As the months passed, even the soldiers in the camp didn't act surprised when they saw Erwin and I together anymore. The Commander quickly became my best friend, the first person I thought about in the morning and the last person I thought about at night. Over time, the longing I had to be back in my childhood home faded and soon enough it had almost vanished completely. There was nowhere I wanted to be more than at the camp with Hanji and Erwin and everyone I cared about. I wished my mom could have seen me thriving.

*3 Months Later*

"You don't have to do this, you know" Erwin said to me, worry flooding his beautiful eyes.

Tomorrow, the Survey Corps were scheduled to go on one of their infamous expeditions beyond Wall Maria, and although I was excelling in my training, Erwin seemed dead set on convincing me to stay behind.

"Why don't you want me to go? Don't you think I'm strong enough?" I sighed.

"No..It's not that" he replied. "I just..."

"You just what?"

"I just don't want you to get hurt"

I cocked my head to the side. "Everyone's taking a risk tomorrow Erwin. I'm not gonna stay behind when I know I can do some good by fighting alongside you"

"You're stubborn as hell, you know that?" The commander looked down on me, a sad smile on his lips.

I winked at him. "I've got no idea who I get that from"

Wait a second Charlotte, did you just wink at Erwin Smith?

*The Next Morning*

I took a deep breath. This was it. My first expedition beyond the walls.

Hanji had told me that they never usually let anyone out on an expedition without at least a years worth of training, but similarly to when Levi joined up, they made an exception for me.

I was sitting on my horse amongst the hundreds of other brave men and women willing to give their lives to advance in the fight against the titans. It felt so good to be a member of the survey corps. Sure, I was terrified, but for once in my life I was actually part of something.

I was at back of the formation, right in the middle, near the supply wagons. To my delight, I was placed in Hanji's squad and Hanji had told me that Erwin had put our squad near the back on purpose, to keep me safe, but I thought it was just coincidence.

The Commander, of course, was right at the front of the formation. Even from my position near the back, I could see him sitting on his horse, discussing tactics with the generals beside him. I wondered if he was as nervous as I was.

"You ready?" Hanji grinned.

I wondered how she could stay so composed when we were basically knocking on death's door.

"As ready as I'll ever be" I breathed.

There was no time to take in my current situation, no time to have second thoughts. There was only the mission ahead of us, that's all that mattered.

Sitting there on the horse, with the wings of freedom on my back, I suddenly felt really nostalgic.

I was wearing the uniform my mother used to wear with pride all those years ago, and I thought to myself that this was as close as I was ever going to be to her. When I wore the uniform of the scouts, I was carrying a piece of my mom with me.

The gate opened.

"Let the expedition beyond the walls, begin!"

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