Chapter 14 - Happy Birthday

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A/N: Omg! 5 Years! What a massive time skip! Don't worry, there's a reason for it! All will be explained later :')

*5 Years Later*

The past five years were some of the best years of my life. Erwin and I got together after our latest expedition beyond the walls, deciding that life was too short to wait around.

Most of the survey corps were aware or our relationship, although most of them didn't understand. We got regular comments from Nile Dok, the commander of the Military Police, about Erwin getting 'distracted' by me.

I had a feeling he didn't like me all that much.

My home in the forest outside of Wall Maria was now nothing more than a distant memory, sometimes I longed to go back, but I only had to look at the Commander to be reminded of why I adored my new home so much.

I was woken up to the feeling of Erwin placing soft kisses on my forehead. I opened a sleepy eye and smiled at him.

I loved waking up next to him, because his hair was always messy when he had just woken up and his eyes were glossy and tired. It was a side to him that only I could see.

"That's a nice way to wake up" I mumbled.

"Mm" Erwin hummed.

"How long have you been staring at me?" I asked wearily. "I look like an idiot when I sleep"

"That'd be telling" The Commander chuckled. "And no you don't"

I snuggled up to Erwin's chest, listening to his heartbeat as we lay there together.

"Hey Charlotte" he whispered.


"Happy Birthday"

I shot up immediately and looked at the Survey Corps Commander, my eyes wide.

"Huh? How did you know it was my birthday?!" I asked, slightly shocked.

"You really expected me to forget?" he smiled.

"Damn" I sighed.

"It's a special day" Erwin insisted. "You should be happy"

"It's just another day"

The Commander sighed, snaking a hand around my waist and pulling me into his embrace. He pressed his lips against my own and slipped his tongue into my mouth, I smiled into the kiss, feeling extraordinarily lucky for these mornings Erwin and I shared.

"I've got a gift for you" Erwin said, breaking off the kiss, but holding me there so that we were still close. "It's not much, but-"

"You didn't have to get me anything" I sighed.

"Well, strictly speaking, I haven't" the Commander replied.

"I'm promoting you"

"Huh?! Me?!"

Erwin chuckled. "Yes, you"

"Seriously?!" I almost squealed with excitement. "But..."

"But what?"

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