Chapter 23 - Escape

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I heard my severed hand hit the floor and blood started erupting from the stump that was left behind, white-hot pain clouded my senses. There was a ringing in my ears, my vision was red, all I could smell was the coppery scent of my own blood as I screamed and screamed. I don't know why I carried on screaming, I could have stopped if I wanted to, I guess it was all in an attempt to distract myself from the extreme agony that I was experiencing.

And then, I stopped.

The pain was still there, as strong as ever, my eyes were still stinging and streaming with my own tears, but where was my voice?

"Oh!" Fidel chuckled. "There goes your vocal chords! Shouldn't be so loud next time"

The doctor picked my severed hand up from the ground. He stared at it in awe as steam erupted from it and it started to turn black. Just like a titan corpse.

He stood up and brushed himself off. I noticed that he too was covered with my blood. He grinned at me before walking out, leaving me alone.

"Let's see how long that takes to heal" he muttered, before the door slammed behind him.

I closed my eyes.

*The next day*

I woke up with a start. I didn't know how much time had passed, but it must have been quite a while because when I looked down at my body I noticed that all my wounds had healed over completely, including my severed hand, which had grown back completely.

I guess I'm not human anymore.

I flexed the muscles in my hand and moved my arm, reveling in how good it felt to actually be able to move. My whole body ached so badly. Not moving from the same position for days had bruised me all over. The restraints from the hand that Fidel had cut off were gone, because before now there was no hand there to restrain.

I tried undoing the straps on my other arm and legs, but they weren't budging. There was no way I could undo any of them unless I had both of my hands free.


I was in a room with Levi, Mike and Eren. It was our first time addressing the Titan-shifter after his trial.

My heart ached. Every time I was alone I felt sick, like I should be out there doing something, anything. Anything to get Charlotte back.

But I wasn't out there, I was at the Survey Corps camp, doing my job. Charlotte had my heart, and a part of me knew that she always would. But now wasn't the time for me to be selfish. I had to put my personal feelings aside. Charlotte wasn't the only person that was depending on me, the lives of hundreds of soldiers were in my hands.

"Apologies for the theatrics in the court-room" I said to Eren. "But they did work in our favor, because now we have custody over you"

"I-I understand what you did was necessary sir!" Eren squeaked.

I looked at Eren. "We're going to be conducting an expedition outside the walls, to see how well you can do under the pressure, and to see if we could make it far enough to Shiganshina. Any objections?"

"No sir!"


I need to think of something. I have to get out of here. This could be my only chance.

I struggled against my restraints, trying to think of anything that would help me escape. I couldn't reach anything with my free hand, the knifes and other instruments that Fidel had been using to torture me with were well out of reach.

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