Chapter 17 - Hopeless

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WARNING: OOC Nile? Possibly? Basically I'm just making him a shitty person so that it fits the story I'm sorry I have nothing against the dude :(

"This better be good, Hanji" Erwin crossed his arms as he emerged from my bedroom.

I followed behind him, still slightly embarrassed at the fact that one of my best friends and my superior had just walked in on us, but to my surprise, Hanji didn't seem too fazed by it.

"Nile Dok is here, I told him to wait in your office"

Erwin's eyes widened as if he had forgotten something important.

"I completely forgot about our appointment" the commander admitted. "Thank you"

Hanji skipped off down the hallway, probably on her way to conduct some weird experiment or something. I turned to Erwin.

"Nile Dok?" I asked.

"The commander of the Military Police, remember?"

"Oh" I scowled. "He hates me"

"Probably best if I go in alone then, right?" Erwin smiled.

"Right. Try not to get lectured to death" I winked.

I opened the door to my bedroom and collapsed onto my bed once more, I knew that I should probably be training or doing something productive, but a few more hours never hurt anyone right?


"Right. Try not to get lectured to death" Charlotte winked at me before retreating back into her bedroom.

I smiled to myself. That woman. She really was something else.

I walked down the corridor to my office to find Nile Dok sitting on a chair next to my desk. He looked like he'd made himself at home well enough. He'd probably been nosing around whilst I was absent, knowing him.

"Nile" I said, sitting at my desk so that I was opposite him. "Sorry about the delay"

"Who do you plan on bringing to the cadet's trial?" Nile asked me, getting straight to the point. His condescending voice making me want to punch him in the jaw.

"The witnesses.." I replied. "And a few people that I can trust"

"Like who? Like that girl?"

"What girl?" I asked.

"That one who's always with you, the small one"

"Charlotte?" I replied. I felt my heart beginning to beat a little faster inside my chest. Why was he asking about Charlotte? Was he suspicious?

Nile nodded, his accusing glare almost boring a hole through my head. I really couldn't be bothered to deal with him at that moment. I had more important things to do, like actual work, commanding an army. Not that he would know anything about that.

"Yes I was planning on having her at the trial, why?" I sighed.

"I'm just curious" Nile's thin lips twisted into a smile. "I don't think I've ever seen her anywhere that isn't by your side"

"What's your point, Nile? I thought you were here to discuss Eren Jeager"

"Of course, of course..." the military police commander replied. "But just out of interest...where is she from? This...'Charlotte'"

I clenched my fist under the table. He was biting off a little more than he could chew.

"I'm not sure, Karanes, maybe?" I replied, keeping my composure as best I could.

"But you have a file on every soldier with all their details, correct? It's the law. How do you not remember where this girl is from?" Nile said accusingly. There was no doubt, he was definitely suspicious of something. Surely he didn't think Charlotte was a titan-shifter too?

I chuckled lightly. "You can't expect me to remember the origin of every solider who fights for me"

Nile just nodded, seemingly satisfied enough with my answer. I mentally took a huge sigh of relief, glad to have him off my tail. There were much more pressing matters at that moment anyway, such as the fate of humanity, and what was to be done with the titan boy, Eren Jeager.

We spent the next few hours discussing the trial, and what should become of Eren. Of course, we agreed to disagree. Nile thought it best to experiment on Eren to find out more about the titans, but obviously I didn't feel the same way.

Finally after what seemed like years, Nile left my office. Little did I know, he had taken something very valuable with him that would change my life forever.


I heard a door closing down the corridor.

It had been a good few hours since Erwin had gone into his office to discuss things with the military police commander, and I was hopeful that the door I heard closing was the sweet sound of Nile leaving. I opened my bedroom door, and peeked into the corridor. When I saw no one, I took my chance to go up to Erwin's office.

I pressed my ear against the door to check if I could hear any conversation still taking place, but before I could even think about anything, the door opened.

I almost had a heart attack when it opened. Oh my god, it's Nile. I'm about to fall onto the commander of the military police. What is he going to say when he figures out I was listening in?!

But I was filled with relief when I fell onto a broad, muscular chest, and a pair of strong arms wrapped around me.

"Woah" Erwin said, startled as he held me and stopped me from falling. "Were you trying to eavesdrop?"

"No!" I cried. "I was just seeing if the MP Commander was gone"

"Yeah, he's gone" Erwin replied as he scooped me up and took me into his strong arms, carrying me across his office bridal style.

"Agh!" I yelled. "A little warning would have been nice!"

The commander sat me down on his desk and brought his hands up to my face, kissing me gently for a few seconds.

"I want you at Jeager's trial next week" Erwin muttered.

"Me?" I asked. "Why?"

"Because it's in Wall Sina" he sighed. "And I can't do without you for that long, I'll go insane"

I grinned. "You're hopeless"

"Only around you, my dear"

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