Chapter 19 - The Unthinkable

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"How are you feeling?" Erwin asked, an annoying smirk playing on his lips.

"I'm aching" I groaned. "Like...all over"

Erwin placed a soft kiss on my lips before slipping on a shirt. "Can you walk?" he grinned.

"I should fucking hope so" I rolled my eyes. "It's the trial today"

There was silence between the two of us for a few moments whilst the both of us got dressed into our military uniform. Despite the jokes, I knew that, deep down, Erwin was nervous about today. Worst case scenario, the MP's would get custody over Eren, and if that happened then we'd be losing a massively important ally to mankind.

"Hey" I spoke up. "Are you okay? I mean, are you nervous or anything?"

Erwin walked over to me and snaked a strong arm around my waist. He was wearing his underwear and nothing else, so the muscles rippling his entire body were in full view, as well as the scars that years of wearing 3DMG gave you. You could clearly see the outlines of where the belts dug into his body, sometimes cutting into the flesh. I wondered if one day, I'd get those marks too.

"We just need to argue our case well" he replied. "But if everything doesn't go the way we want it to...Levi and I have a little something planned"

"Oh?" I asked curiously. "What's that?"

Erwin just smiled. "You'll have to wait and see. Hopefully it doesn't come to that"

I furrowed my brow as I did up the buttons on the commander's shirt and smoothed it down neatly afterwards.

There was a knock on our bedroom door, signalling that it was almost time for the trial to begin and that we needed to get going. I shrugged on my Survey Corps jacket and Erwin did the same, before we left the luxurious room to attend Eren Jeager's trail.

*An Hour Later*

Hanji and I were stood up in a stand just above the courtroom floor, overlooking everything that was going on. Erwin and the other military commanders, Pixis and Nile, were stood lower down, closer to Eren, along with a few priests and witnesses, and Levi.

The judge explained to Eren, that the decision that was being made, was whether to allow him to be given to the Military Police, or the Survey Corps.

"We'll start with an argument from the military police" the judge said, rolling up his sleeves.

"Your honor!" Nile Dok's annoying voice filled the courtroom. "As commander of the military police, I propose, after conducting a thorough examination on Eren's body, we dispose of him in a prompt manner."

I watched Eren tense up at the sound of what the MP's had planned for him. He was just a kid, and he had no idea what was going on. He kind of reminded me of myself, but that only made me feel worse.

"Now then" the judge said. "Let's hear the argument from the Survey Corps"

"Your honor" Erwin's deep, husky voice echoed through the courtroom. "As thirteenth commander of the Survey Corps, I, Erwin Smith, propose that we of the Survey Corps accept Eren as an official member and use his titan power to recapture Wall Maria. That is all"

Whispering erupted throughout the room, no doubt questioning Erwin's simplistic approach to the situation. I myself, couldn't help but smile. He was always so calm and composed, it was something that the other military commanders were lacking.

"Hm?" the judge questioned. "Is that it?"

"Yes" Erwin replied. "If we utilize his power, we can retake Wall Maria"

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