Chapter 37 - Rescue mission

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"You know this isn't going to look good, Erwin" Hanji said to me, sternness lacing her voice.

"I know. But it's my fault she's out there, I have to go after her myself" I admitted.

I'd wronged Charlotte, I left her to fend for herself in titan territory and allowed myself to forget all about our many happy months together. She had turned me into a better man, and in return, I'd given her loneliness and betrayal.

How can I ever make it up to you?

"Tch" Levi spoke up. "You can't go. You're the commander of the survey corps. If you die, we're all screwed"


"He's right" Hanji said. "We don't even know where Charlotte is, or if she's still...alive"

My eyes snapped over to Hanji. "She's alive"

"Either way" Levi said. "How's it going to look if the commander of the survey corps goes rouge and leaves the regiment without a leader?"

I sighed. "What other choice do I have? Like Eren, Charlotte could be an asset to us. Two titans that can work together stand a better chance of-"

"We both know that's not your reasoning for this rescue mission, commander" Hanji replied. "But all the same, it certainly wouldn't fare well with the soldiers or the people if you left in secret. People would notice"

I lowered my eyes to my desk, remembering the days when Charlotte and I hardly knew each other, when she'd venture around my office in awe of all the books at her disposal. Things were much less complicated back then.

"There's no other option"

"Yes, there is" Hanji said. "Let us go instead"

"What?" My eyes widened.

"We'll find her and we'll bring her home" Levi scowled, as if all of this was too much of a bother for him. "You stay here and keep using that head of yours"

"She'd hate me more than she already does if I didn't go out there myself" I sighed.

"What do you care about more?" Hanji looked at me. "Her hating you, or her safety inside the walls?"

So, it was settled.

Levi and Hanji would take a small squad beyond the walls and follow the tracks we had left behind on the most recent expedition. I provided them with a map of where exactly I had last seen Charlotte and I stayed behind to lead and guide the Scout regiment, as was my obligation as their commander.

I stood up and looked out of my window, almost expecting to see Charlotte outside training in the courtyard. Instead, my eyes focused on the empty space in front of me.

I never knew just how lonely I was until you came along.


I looked at my reflection in one of my blades, feeling a tear run down the side of my face.

I had ditched my 3DMG a while back after running out of gas and most of it breaking after being crushed by my titan, but I kept two blades with me. I told myself it was for self-defence, but deep down I knew I wasn't ready to give up every memory of my old life just yet.

I thought of the first time I saw a horse, the first time I saw the green cloaks of the scouts, the first time I saw the wall, the cities, the military camp. I remembered how excited I was to be experiencing everything my mother taught me.

I wiped a tear from my cheek as I remembered the moment Erwin carried me to my room after I pretended to fall asleep whilst reading. His arms were so strong and warm, whilst I was by his side I knew no titan could have ever touched us. We had no idea how lucky we were.

A/N - sorry that the chapters are getting quite short. From now on I'm going to try and make them longer :)

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