Chapter 16 - Titan Shifter

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WARNING: Sexual Content

Hanji and I arrived back at the Survey Corps camp safely, but I was still angry and upset about being forced to leave in the middle of a battle against the titans.

"If we'd have stayed, we could have helped to save more people!" I seethed.

"Erwin does everything for a reason" Hanji sighed. "I'm sure he'll explain when he's back."

"Whatever, I'm going to bed"

I collapsed into my bed, my mind wandering back to trost, to the boy who emerged from the abnormal titan's corpse, to Erwin's reaction.

Something big was about to happen, I just knew it.

*The next morning*


Erwin's voice pulled me out of my deep sleep, forcing me to open my eyes. He was standing by my bed, still in his full military uniform complete with belts and 3DMG, suggesting he hadn't slept.

"Erwin" I said, sitting up immediately "What's happened?"

"Trost is safe" the commander replied. "For now"

"Safe? How? There's a hole in the wall!"

"There was. We managed to..." he paused for a second, as if he was thinking about how to tell me something. "We managed to get a titan to carry a boulder big enough to plug the hole in the wall"

I laughed. "What?"

When Erwin's facial expression remained cold and serious, my smile faded. "You're joking...right?"

"I'm not joking"

"But how?!" I asked, almost yelling. "Was it an abnormal?"

"In a sense..." Erwin replied. "You remember seeing that boy emerge from the dead titan yesterday?"

"Yeah, how could I forget?"

"His name is Eren Jeager, he's a cadet, he seems to have the ability to..."

I started to notice that Erwin was hesitating, everything he said, he hesitated before saying it. It was uncanny for the commander, who was usually so calm and collected about everything.

"He has the ability to what, Erwin?"

"He can shift between human and titan form"

I'm sorry, WHAT?!

I laughed again. "You can't be serious. You really need to go to bed"


"Erwin, it's impossible!"

"I know! I know it's impossible! But it happened! I watched him transform right before my own eyes"

I exhaled heavily, trying to process all of the information. The sensation almost felt familiar, similar to the feeling I got when I first found out about Wall Maria and I was forced to adjust to a new world in a matter of days.

"So...where's the cadet now?" I asked, my voice quiet.

"The military police are holding him before they decide what to do with him" Erwin replied.

"Like, a trial?"


"Are you going to be there?"

"Yes, I'm going to try and get him enrolled into the Scouts."

"A titan-shifter huh..." I mumbled. "Looks like I'm not the only alien anymore..."

"You're not an alien" the commander chuckled.

I smiled. "This is good news though. We've taken land back from the titans, that kid has made history"

"Yeah" Erwin removed his 3DMG and sat down beside me on my bed. "I'm sorry about making you leave yesterday"

I tilted my head to the side, resting it on the commanders shoulder. "It's fine. I think you're worrying too much about the military police though"

"Maybe" he sighed. "But the scouts need you, your skills are on par with our veterans, we can't afford for you to be arrested"

"The scouts, huh?" I replied. "And what about you?"

Erwin turned to face me, he brought a hand up to my face and ran his thumb over my bottom lip, causing me to blush.

The commander's voice was husky and quiet. "You know how I feel about you"

I brought my face closer to Erwin's, pressing my forehead against his and closing my eyes.

"Maybe I need to be reminded" I whispered.

All of a sudden, Erwin had crushed his lips against mine. He pushed me back onto the bed so that he was on top of me, kissing me hungrily, only stopping to take short breaths before carrying on.

I placed my hands on his chest, trying to push the commander back, but Erwin just grabbed my wrists with one hand and pinned them above me, using his other hand to explore my body.

"Erwin...agh!" I moaned. "Someone could...ah!...someone could walk in!"

The commander brought his lips up to my ear, his breath hot against my neck, sending goosebumps and electricity rippling through me.

"I don't care"

He pressed his lips onto mine again, his hand travelling further and further down as he kissed me.

I was about to start undoing Erwin's shirt, when the door burst open.

"Charlotte!" Hanji cooed cheerfully. "Have you seen-"

Hanji's eyes widened as her eyes locked onto Erwin and I in the inescapably compromising position. I felt my face heat up, and I got even more embarrassed when the commander didn't move from his position on top of me, he just stared at Hanji in utter shock. I couldn't tell if he was extremely embarrassed or just surprised.

"Found him" Hanji smiled sheepishly. "I'll just...I'll wait outside"

The door shut softly behind her and I buried my head in Erwin's chest.

"Oh my god" I whispered. "I can't believe that just happened"

"Me either" Erwin chuckled.

I stared at him. "How are you laughing?!"

The commander just stared right back at me, confused. "Titans are invading the world and you're worried about Hanji walking in on us kissing?"

My face went red. "It was a little more than kissing..."

Erwin simply laughed quietly and stood up from my bed, straightening out his uniform.

"I'm going to go and see what she wants" he said to me. "Are you coming?"

"Yeah, just...lemme put some clothes on"

Erwin's eyes skimmed over my body. "Hmph...fine" he sighed.

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