Chapter 2 - Wall Maria

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"Do you know how to ride a horse?" Erwin looked down at me, his icy blue eyes scanning my every move, it was as if he was waiting for me to step out of line. I didn't want to admit it, but I felt tiny under his glare.

I just stared at the man before me, not really understanding what he was asking. "What?"

"I'll take that as a no" he muttered before looking over at the woman that was holding my hands behind my back, preventing me from running away.

"Take her to the supply wagon and keep an eye on her. The situation has been compromised, we're heading back to Wall Maria immediately"

"Yes sir!" the woman replied before giving a curt nod to another man a few metres away.

Before I knew it, a tall man with slick black hair had approached me, grabbed me and thrown me roughly over his shoulder.

"Hey! get off me, you-" I started, but I didn't have time to finish before before the man jumped from the tree we were standing in, causing me to fall silent. He used the machine attached to his waist to maneuver us through the air, and it felt amazing.

We were flying.

Flying at an impossible speed, the air rushing behind me as we passed through it. I couldn't help myself as my jaw dropped open in amazement.

We landed softly and the man put me back on the ground, I glared at him as he walked away.

The woman who had been tasked with looking after me landed next to me shortly afterward, and we walked towards a huge group of people on horses.

We walked through their formation, and I could feel the eyes of hundreds of men and women on me as we did so. They all wore the same uniform with Green cloaks and lots of belts, and they were all looking at me as if I was some sort of threat.

Despite the innumerable death stares I was getting, we kept walking, and eventually we came to an area where there were a number of wooden carts full of sacks and barrels. I was led onto one of them that was emptier than the rest and we sat down.

The cold faced woman sat opposite me, keeping a close eye on me. She looked like she was ready to kill me as soon as I made a wrong move.

All of a sudden, my stomach rumbled.

"You hungry?" she asked sternly.

"What?" I scowled. "No"

The green cloaked woman rolled her eyes at my stubbornness and pulled something out from her pocket.

It was small and square shaped with a weird white coating. She passed it over to me.

"It's food" she said. "Eat it"

I looked at the thing in my hands and cocked my head to the side. It certainly didn't look like food to me, but apparently I had a lot to learn, so I tried taking a bite out of it.

"Hey!" the woman said. "What are you doing?"

"I'm trying to eat this piece of shit like you just told me to" I growled.

She snatched the square from my hands and peeled off the white film that covered it, leaving a brown block of something underneath.

"You have to take the wrapper off it first, idiot" she growled before passing me the food.

I took a bite and chewed, I couldn't describe the taste, it was extremely different to anything I'd eaten before but it filled me up, so that was okay I guess.

Just as I was chewing, there were a few shouts coming from people in front of us and we started to move.

My eyes widened at the sudden movement and I stuck my hands out, grabbing onto the sides of the cart we were sitting in, trying to steady myself.

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