Erza, Kanzaki, and Kagura VS Noiress Blackout

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The sound of swords rang throughout the ruined stadium as the two swordswomen continued their vicious battle.

Erza Scarlet and Noiress Blackout moved their blades at impossible speeds as their blades grinded together, throwing sparks up in their wake. Any normal weapon's expert would have thought a battle of such intensity would have been impossible. But Erza and Noiress weren't ordinary sword wielders.

Aqualas, Wendy, and Gray had long since taken their battle elsewhere. Leaving both Erza and Noiress alone to do their duel. And so far, things weren't looking too good for Erza. Erza had requipped to her Armadura Fairy, but even though it was one of her most powerful armors, it had already cracked from the strain against Noiress's quick eight blade, which she had already summoned and was swinging around with skilled ease using the shadowy arms on her shoulders.

a bloody gash was already on Erza's side, and she was panting due to the intensly tiring battle. Noiress smiled and chuckled at Erza's dillema. "My, my, seem to be getting tired....perhaps you would appreciate a break?"

"Shut up!" Erza growled charging both her blades with power and charging at Noiress.

Noiress swung her blades and easilly knocked aside Erza's attack. She then moved quickly and kicked Erza straight in the face, causing her to tumble smash along the ground, dragging a gouge in the already cracked and smoking stadium.

"Do you hear that Titania?" said Noiress. "The sound of those roars and cries? The undead dragons summoned by the ancient knowlege Academy City has aquired will raze this city to the ground, all except for the palace.......where the true king of Fiore will sit when this is all said and done."

"There already is a king!!!" shouted a voice. "And will not stand for this evil!!"

It was Mato, however his voice seemed have changed. Mato suddenly removed the pumpkin head mask that covered his true features to reveal an old man. The old man looked at Noiress with a furious light in his eyes. "If you wish to take the'll have to pull it from my cold, dead hands!!"

"Your Majesty!!" Erza shouted. "Run!!!"

Noiress's eyes widened with pleasure. "Toma E. Fiore I believe? It is an honor.....and yes, I do believe we can pry the throne from your 'cold, dead hands' as you would phrase it."

"I won't stand by as the people under my charge are hurt!!" growled the king. "Even if I have no power to fight with at the moment, I won't stand idle!!"

Noiress chuckled. "Oh how I do love foolish makes prey so much easier to kill."

Noiress raised her blades and sped at King Fiore. Erza gritted her teeth and ran after Noiress. "Crap, I wont make it in time!!"

Suddenly, there was a clash of sparks, and Noiress's eyes widened as her blades met that of Kaori Kanzaki, who had a light in her eyes as furious as the king's, her body burning with sacred energy.

"It would be unwise to proceed." said Kanzaki. "If you wish to keep your head that is...."

Noiress jumped back laughing. "Kanzaki! The Saint Level magician I've heard so much about!" (saint magicians from the Index series and Wizard Saints are two different things, however, they are both the same in that their magic is unnaturally strong.)

"You know of me..." said Kanzaki pointing her blade at Noiress. "Then you should know that a fight against me is not for the faint of heart."

"Hmm..." said Noiress. "Two against one huh....?"

"Make that three!!" Kagura jumped down from the empty ruined stands, her sheathed sword in her hand. "You have swung your blades for the last time........and now, we shall ensure your downfall!!"

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