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In the middle of the largest ocean of Earthland was a small island.....It looked like an island resort, with it's lush plant life and it's peaceful beaches. Everywhere, animals of differing sizes and strangeness crawled throughout the undergrowth of the forests.

However, the most interesting thing on this island at the moment was horrifying black armored figure walking out of the water, his cape still billowing eirily in an nonexistant wind. Diablo Etwatia held in his arms the weak small Dravis. He walked through the beach, leaving glass foot prints as the sand heated up with every step.

"We have arrived...." said Dravis. "Now......we rest."

"Might I ask..." said Diablo. "What are we doing on this island? It is a small kingdom.....not even deserving of notice...."

"It is who rules this kingdom that interests me....." said Dravis. "Back in the years when dragons could freely travel between the world of Science and the world of Magic, Thundaarix lived on this island.....it was her sacred sanctuary......enchantments used to surround this area so that not even I could find it....... It acted as a final sanctuary of the dragons when Achnologia rampaged long ago."

"And now the enchantments have vanished...." said Diablo. "I take that ever since Thundaarix left Earthland for that other world, the enchantments followed...."

"Yes...." said Dravis. "However.....her legacy lives on in.....subtler ways. Dragons who have Dragon Born children never usually have just one.........."

"There is another besides Railgun?" said Diablo. "How many sisters could one have...?"

"She does not apply to the prophecy as she is not related to the world of Science..." said Dravis. "There is no trace of esper within her......in fact I have no doubt that if she took the curriculem in Academy City....she would be a level 0....but magic she inherited from her Dragon Born ancestors remain strong...."

"Not a sister then...." said Diablo. "A niece.......of long lineage."

"Indeed...." said Dravis. "And though I do not know why..........I sense an event of great importance will take place between these two Dragon Born offspring......I must bear witness to it.........."

"And what do you think we will bear witness to?" said Diablo

"A new sort of magic......unlike any ever seen on this plane of reality....." said Dravis. "Who knows what could happen? What I do is........that it's going to be quite a show....."

Academy CIty, remains of a recently destroyed lab.

The scientist pushed himself through the burning rubble as the lab around him began to collapse. In his hands he held an armored case. He had to get out of here........or the project that had taken months to perform, might be set back by an extroardinary amount.

The scientist got a reciever out of his lab coat and spoke into it. "H-hello!? Is anyone there?! We need back up now!! It's-"

Suddenly a totem-like doll flew out of the air and shot a blast of green energy at the communication device, blasting it out of the man's hand.

The Raijiinshu emerged from the smoke of the burning room and stood over the scientist.

"I'm sorry....." said Laxus grinning. "But we'll be taking Tree Diagram's main server now..."

"Dang it!!" said the scientist. "I won't let you have it!! You terrorists can kill me!! This is too important to-"

Laxus snatched the case out of the scientists's hands rolling his eyes. "Jeez, you think we're terrorists? Trust me.....we have no interest in using your stupid super computer...."

"T-then why did you want it so bad!?"

"To do this..." Laxus threw the case into the air. Immediately, a powerful bolt of lightning tore into the case and blew it apart......burned circuits turned to cinders as the key to reviving Tree Diagram was destroyed.

"NO!!" shouted the scientist. "COUNTLESS RESEARCH WENT INTO THAT!!"

"And so have lives...." said Freed. "The lives of over 10,000 people suffered thanks to the first Tree Diagram."

"And your corrupt board has used this device to spy on and control people like puppets...." said Evergreen.

"And that will never happen again....." said Bickslow. "Not as long as we still have fight in our veins.

"So go back to the board..." said Laxus. "Heck, go to Aleister Crowley for all I care......Tree Diagram is never coming back......"

"What gives you the right to take this into your own hands!?" Yelled the scientist.

"We don't care about the right to fight..." said Laxus. "We care about those who can be saved as long as we keep fighting.....because we are...................FAIRY TAIL!!!!! Never forget that.....and never let your bosses forget that either.........We'll be watching....."

In a burst of flaming smoke...Laxus, along with the rest of the Raijiinshu dissapeared, their mission completed.......but the battle just beginning....

Hey there everyone!! It's me!! You have just reached the end of the 3rd book. Before I go and write the 4th book, I will take a moment to explain the current status of Hydra Head and the members that have been revealed so far.

Leader. Black Whisper   Status: Weakened but active

1. Aqualas            Status: Dead

2.Diablo Etwatia  Status: Active

3.Noiress Blackout Status: Active

15. Zvesda of the Dark Mirrors  Status: Active and Second in Command.

18. Gore Beastwalker  Status: Active

20. Night Reveler    Status: Dead

35. Gravix Terras also known as Gravix of The Western Forge  status: Defected

45. Vinum Jaachus  Status: Active

 Now here are some of the members that will be revealed in the second book.

4. Aurumnus Rager

37. Arachnis Widower  Status: Active

Now that's it for my explanation for now........Until next time...MISAKA LOVES ALL OF YOU!!!!

50. Ghost Slumberer   Status: Dead......until someone wakes him up that is.

A Railgun in Fairy Tail Book 3: Bridge Between WorldsWhere stories live. Discover now