Chapter 16: You Sound Good To Me

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Hey guys! I hope you liked the last chapter! Now, welcome to Skylar's POV!

-Monica xo

Skylar's POV 

Rocky just asked me out on another date! We've been dating for two weeks now and so far, everything is going great. I picked out my flower top, my red velvet lace shorts, and my brown gladiators. I walked downstairs and to Rocky's house. I saw Rocky on the couch watching tv with his family. "Hey, I'm ready." I announced. Rocky looked up and did a double- take. Rocky stood up and walked to me. "You look amazing." Rocky said. "Thanks." I said. Rocky intertwined our hands and said, "See you later guys!" We walked out to Riker's car. Rocky opened my door for me and we got in. "Where are we going?" I asked. "The carnival in town." Rocky started to drive. I smiled. "I love the carnival," I said. "It's your favorite place to go." Rocky finished my sentence. I looked at him. "How did you know?" I asked. "I listen a lot more than you think." Rocky said. 

I smiled. When we arrived there, I couldn't stay still. Rocky paid for our admission tickets. "What should we go on first?" I asked. "You can chose." Rocky said. I looked at the rides. "Ooh! How about Batman?" I asked. I jumped up and down in excitement. "Okay. Come on." Rocky laughed at my excitement. I grabbed his arm and dragged him to the line. I stood in line and Rocky wrapped his arms around me from behind. I looked up at him. "I'm going to have to keep you still." Rocky said. I cracked a smile and Rocky laid his head down in the crook of my neck.  "You smell good." Rocky said. "Thanks. That is vanilla passion that you are smelling." I said. "You should wear it more often." Rocky said. Rocky traced his fingers up and down my arm. I smiled at his touch. "Rocky, that tickles." I said. Rocky smirked. "I know." He said. A few minutes later, we were getting on the ride.

I started to get a little shaky. I mean,come on. This is a roller coaster we're talking about. Rocky noticed and whispered in my ear, "If you get scared, just hold onto my hand. I'll protect you." I smacked his chest playfully. "What are you, my knight in shining armor?" I asked, mockingly. Rocky laughed. "Why yes I am." He said. "Please keep all hands and feet inside the ride. Thank you." The instructor's voice boomed over the speakers. I started to get butterflies in my stomach. Rocky gave my hand a squeeze and a reassuring smile to tell me to calm down. Excitement coursed through my veins as the ride started. 

After the ride, I was very dizzy. We got on a few more rides. "Ooh! Cotton Candy!" I said. Rocky laughed as I ran over to the stand. Rocky walked over and paid the man two dollars for two sticks of cotton candy. As we ate our cotton candy, something caught my eye. "A panda!" I said. I grabbed Rocky's hand and dragged him to the booth. "There it is! My favorite animal!" I pointed to the stuffed animal. Rocky paid the man a dollar to play the ring toss game. "Okay, you need to make these three rings to land on three of these bottles. If you do make it, you get to choose any prize you want." The man said. Rocky nodded and aimed the rings to the bottles. He got all of them on the bottles and a nosie went off. "Which one do you want?" Rocky asked. "The panda." I pointed to the panda. The man gave Rocky the panda which Rocky gave to me. "To my beautiful girlfriend." Rocky said. I blushed and hugged the panda to my chest. 

As we turned to walk away, Rocky placed his arm on my shoulder. We walk over to a booth where a woman was handing out a new recipe for free. As we got our food, we decided to go home. I nudged Rocky on the shoulder. "Thank you for the best second date." I said. "No problem." Rocky said, smiling. When we arrived at my house, Rocky walked me to my door. Rocky looked down at our hands and intertwined them. I leaned forward and our lips touched. 

It was magical. Sparks flew everywhere as we kissed. Rocky untangled our hands and pulled me closer by my waist. I wrapped my arms around his neck and played with his hair. We pulled apart to breathe. I kissed Rocky on his cheek. "Goodnight." I whispered as I walked inside my house. I watched Rocky pull out of my driveway and out onto the streets. I ran up to my room and plopped down on my bed. I curled up with my blanket and fell asleep.

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