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I stayed all day in my room eating ice cream and trying to stop my heat by getting in cold water. Males kept trying to get in my room and my brothers would knock them unconscious. "knock knock". I froze it was Justin my horny wolf starting howling and my heat started to burn even more"go away!!" "no I came to help I can feel your pain and Alexandria is sleeping". I feel of the bed holding my stomach. He burst the door open and came running to me. I glared at him showing him all my hate. "know Abigail don't act like that". He picked me up and placed me on the bed. He closed the door and locked it. my eyes turned black my wolf had taken over.

I woke up to a empty bed. He just dropped with me and ditched me to go back to Alexandria.the rest of the night I cried.

I woke up to my alarm clock beeping like crazy. I got up and stretched out I felt better. I smiled at my self. Today I receive the Alpha title but I need to get a new beta no way am I making Samantha beta. Then it clicked D,J. I got dressed in a white sweater and some black skinny jeans with some black convers. I put my hair in a high pony tail. My Mark was gone from my neck Gavins mark was gone. A year feel down my face I actually loved him. I opened my door and walked down stairs. "Hello my daughter you ready to become Queen ". "umm no father". We walked in silence to the back yard. When we got outside all the pack silenced and looked at my father. "You all know why we are here to announce my daughter as queen Samantha please come up here". I broke him off "Actually I have chosen another beta for this pack father D,J please come on the stage". Samantha looked so pissed and Gavin was trying to calm her down. D,J walked on the stage. Then my father continued "Justin  vane please come here so you can be announced king but since you rejected my daughter you will be under my daughters control as king you can not make decisions with our asking my daughter do you understand. "Yes I do king Brandon". Replied Justin. I heard Alexandria start to growl. I smirked at her. Justin stood beside me. My dad turned to me D,J and Justin "I here grant thee king and queen and beta of all packs". Blue power flowed from my dads chest it entered D,J then me and then Justin I could feel my wolf start to get even more power I could feel my self get stronger. The blue stopped going to D,J then the power stopped going to Justin the blue aura surrounded D,J and Justin The blue blue power kept coming in me. Then it stopped I let my power show and when my power came out Justin and D,J had to step back even my dad everyone bowed down to me the last thing to the ceremony was that all three of is had to shift. I felt my bones crack and move in places. Then me D,J and Justin shifted. I was the biggest out of all of them I howled in the air Justin roared and D,J howled to the moon then the pack howled with us. I shifted back and grabbed the shorts and shirt my dad was handing me. My dad left with his beta cause they said they got something from the rogues. Music started to play and beer and food flooded the back yard and everyone was having a good time. " King queen beta come with me said my father". We walked to my dads office and sat on the couch. Me and Justin where sitting next to each other and our arms where touching so sparks where flying everywhere. I could feel my heat start to surface. "we have got word from the rogues they know you are dieing cause you don't have a mate and when you do die my child all the packs could crumble with out your leadership ship so they said that when you do die they are going to claim war and take over all werewolves. I am here to ask a favor of you Justin". "And that is ". Replied Justin "That you will reject Alexandria and mate Abigail and we will take care of the baby that baby is a abomination it is up to take the throne and can not happen you need to have a  child with Abigail so we will have a true hair to the throne". Justin jumped up "I will not kill my child and mate your lame excuse for a mate daughter she is nothing to me let the werewolf world die for all I care then the panthers can take over. You got to be stupid". "well then Justin you leave me no choice". My dad walked outside we followed him he called Alexandria over " I Alpha Brandon banish you Alexandria from my lands and don't want you and you child to come back and if you do I will kill your unborn child and you". "I over rule your banishment". yelled Justin "I over rule your vote Justin" He looked at me as if I betrayed him. "Good bye Alexandria" I said wait I can help I will bye your ticket and everything for where you are going". Justin hugged Alexandria take care and protect our baby I will visit you as soon as I can I love you". Those words stung me in the heart. I looked away When they started to make out. She hugged him one last time and shifted in to her black panther and took off in the woods. Justin looked at me betrayed and angrily. He ran in side and went in his room. "Did we do the right thing dad". "I don't know hunny but you guys better mate soon.

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