This can't be?! (Ch.1)

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Why doesn't nobody understand my feelings...all I wanted was for you to love me, hold me and never let me go.

*Slams axe down onto arms.*

But you never cease to disappoint me...ohh how you left my mind in tatters.

*Blood splatters*

All I wanted was your attention...but not that kind of scary know kids at school called me a freak cause of are supposed love...but I didn't know.

*Stabs repeatedly*

What is normal for me...was weird to others...but that's not my fault, it's just in my gene...I was born like this, raise to be a toy for that man you'd call a father and a whore just like my mother, there is no changing that.

*slams axe down onto legs*

They got what they deserved for creating an unhinged vile monster...that dwells in my being...unknown to many, even me.

*I smear the blood on my face*

Watch out for it devours you whole, possessing my body as it pleases, leaving me weakened to the core, hoping for salvation...but is it too late?

*Tears stream down my face as I laugh and scream even harder*

"What have you done to me?!" I yelled, roughly hitting my head, then I heard a intrusive loud knock on my door, I turn my head towards my bloodied mother who was sitting on the coach.

"Answer the door mother, it's probably one of ya little boy toys, no?" I said waiting for a response, maybe she is giving me the silent treatment, I went upstairs to my mangled sleeping father, "Daddy, mother is ignoring me." I poked his red stained stomach, in hope he would reply.Why is everyone acting like this, I walked upstairs toward my little brother's room, strange? where is he? he should be sleep by now? "Are you playing hide and seek? Jack?" I giggled and went to look under the bed "umm ok he's not there...maybe." I stagger toward the toy chest and lifted the lid, my face twisted into confusion till I saw his wardrobe door left slighlty open, I smiled and opened it screaming "gotcha!" I laughed while picking him up and strangely he wasn't giving me his toothy mischievous grin like usually so I frowned putting him down, while scanning over his features "what's wrong Jack?" he backed away from me sightly and put his head down looking at his feet, making me feel hurt. "what's wrong with mommy and daddy I heard them yelling and you was laughing and why are your clothes red sis?" I looked at him confused "did you have a nightmare again?" he looked at me unsure "umm maybe your right sis, could you tell me a story?" I nodded my head while smiling, till we heard another series of loud banging, my brother looked at me frighten "are those monsters trying to come in are house?" I shook my head 'no' hoping to ease his troubles "are you ready for storytime?" he nodded excitedly "once upon a time there was a lonely devil, who was misunderstood for his differences and he asked the people of light "why am I so different from you, we both bleed the same color?" but the gods and goddesses looked at the demon with disdain "Cause your blood is a descendant of the tainted ones, unworthy of love, respect or even a shred of kindness, your kind brings nothing but destruction and hate." the demon begged for them to understand that he is his own being, one with faults and mistake.He said, "but you were the ones who created me, how could you banish me without cause?" the gods and goddesses mockingly laugh at the poor demon "Yes, we create many things, some in which were a mistake." after months and years of trying to convince these higher being his worth, they would still insult him and ignore his pleas... till one day his thoughts changed on these being and decided he would paint there city red and laugh at there cries mockingly just as they did him, making his world full of black, they called him the King of death and misery for all the terror he caused...and some still wonder to this day why he changed so suddenly...well good night Jack.

My brother looked at me confused "that's the end?" I nodded my head "The demon story never truly ends...he lives for decades residing in the souls of the fallen, his legacy of terror will never truly end, one day you will understand lil bro."

Then there was a loud bang that followed by a crash, my brother embraced me shaking in fear as I shielded him protectively.

there was a series of feet slamming upstairs towards Jack's room and a bunch of cops heavily armed came into his room, aiming there guns at us.


"W-what are y-you talking about I would never do that!" I backed away scared and confused on what they was talking about, then one of the officer hit me on the head and the last I heard was my brother wailing for me, I wanted to tell him that everything would be alright, but it doesn't look like that.

Author note

Hey you guys, I decide to make this story for me but I decided to incorporate it as a Joker x reader, this story is going to be different for me, I decided to play around with my writing and I'm just writing as I go this story came to me and I just decided to let my finger do the work lol. plz vote if you like cause it motivates me alot.

Also this story will hold cliffhangers and it may be confusing but as the story unravels you will be able to understand the reader.


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