A Nightly Visitation

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My Love - Justin Timberlake


It started out as a stress reliever. What with modeling, school work and other toiling everyday demands, anxiety was taking its hefty toll. Adrien, before going to bed, had harbored a new nightly routine. Jazzercise. Never having the time to hit the gym and pump iron anyhow, the videos sufficed. He was never one to skimp on anything, so he was full on, decked out in workout attire. From a muscle shirt, to sweatbands around his wrists and head, Adrien looked like he had escaped from an eighties movie.

Plagg had never wanted to roll his eyes more than during Adrien's nightly Jazzercise Fest.

His body moved along with the people on his television screen, never skipping a beat. Dancing, spinning and jiving, Adrien had the biggest smile on his face. It had gotten to the point where he had just about memorized each of the six CDs that he had. There were a few instances where he would go rouge and make up a new count or two.

There he was, bopping along on an otherwise quiet Tuesday evening. The sun had set and the stars began to glimmer. Sitting curled up with her chin nestled in her knees, Ladybug was perched on a nearby rooftop. She was extremely fortunate to sneak out after dinner, claiming she was tired and needed the extra sleep. It was a nightly tradition; she watched her crush dance like no one was watching. The sight always made her heart melt and her brain loopy. His athleticism always impressed the super heroine.

She shifted as the wind blew harshly. It was getting relentless and more difficult to bare. Unlatching her arms from her tucked legs, Ladybug unclipped her yoyo from around her waist. Popping it open, she proceeded to check any alerts or messages on the device. Chat Noir was the only one who could contact her via yoyo and hadn't sent her anything.

Adrien was about to wrap up his exercise. Just like the blonde, Ladybug was able to tell when his routine was just about over. It might have been creepy, sure, but just about anything was deemed dismissed when it came to matters of the heart. She sighed, allowing her head to drift off into dream land, everything centered around the secret dancing model.

Ladybug's final thought was this: what would happen if she made her presence known to Adrien at this exact moment?

It wasn't completely dumb. He'd probably feel embarrassed, which would outweigh her mortification of being within two feet of the guy. The situation would give them an interesting conversation starter, that's for sure. During the time it took to overanalyze, Ladybug found herself slinging her yoyo around the chimney top near Adrien's bedroom window. Before she could bat another eyelash, Ladybug was sailing across the distance it took to reach his mansion.

There was a slight tapping noise emitting from his window. Sweat ran down his forehead and toward his chiseled jawline. Quickly switching off the television and yanking his water bottle off of the neighboring table, Adrien squinted his eyes toward the glass, searching for the cause of the disturbance. It didn't take long to catch a beautiful girl wearing neon red and black spots to match. She had a steady smile coating her relaxed face.

"Ladybug?" he whispered to himself.

Finding enough momentum to move his feet, Adrien sped walked toward Ladybug. With much haste, he opened the window glass, letting the girl come inside. "W-What are you doing here?" a confused and dazed Adrien questioned.

"I was making my rounds on patrol and thought someone was waving their arms in peril. Is everything alright?" It was the lamest excuse she could think of on such short notice. Whatever sufficed, she guessed.

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