Heads I Win, Tails You Loose (Part 2)

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"Geez Dad, we don't have to get ice cream every time I win a game." I told him.

"But it's a tradition." Isaac complained. "Besides, ice cream tastes good!"

"It is a tradition." Dad tried. I could tell they both just really wanted some ice cream.

"Ok, let's go." I said. I'm not sure who was happier, Dad or Isaac. We went to the ice cream place and we each got our order. I got chocolate, Dad was for vanilla, and Isaac got a strawberry mint chocolate chip ice cream with sprinkles, two cherries and chocolate rocks. Isaac was trying to make his way through the menu, one ice cream at a time. Some of them were so detailed, they had the weirdest of names.

"How's this one?" Dad asked Isaac.

"This is amazing!" Isaac said as he stuffed his face with more ice cream. Dad laughed at Isaac, and I soon joined in. "I mean, I would offer you some, but this is just too good." Isaac told us, his mouth still filled with ice cream.

"Boys, I have something to tell you both." Dad said.

"Yeah sure." Isaac said carefree. Dad actually seemed serious about this though, I put my spoon down.

"What is it Dad?" I asked him.

"I'm going on a business trip to Chicago soon." Dad said.

"Yeah we're going to Chicago!" Isaac said happily.

"Ummm, not exactly. I'll be gone for two weeks. Which is far more than I would want to let you two stay home alone." Dad said. Isaac eyes lit up at the words of home and alone. I could already see the wheels turning in his head. "I can't pull you out of school for two weeks, so I've decided to trust you two home alone."

"Yes!" Isaac said happily.

"We'll be good Dad. I promise. We promise." I told him. Dad smiled at me.

"I know you will." He told me. We finished our ice cream shortly afterwards.

Isaac ran ahead, balancing on some rocks a few yards in front of us as we started walking towards the car.

"West, watch Isaac. You know he already had problems at school." Dad told me. Isaac had gotten bullied in the beginning of his eighth grade year, when talking to them or teachers didn't help, he went to violence. We didn't even know about any of it. Not until we had gotten a note home saying that Isaac was suspended for five days for breaking a kid's nose. We had to trace back until we found out about the bullying. Even near the end of the school year, we still keep a tight eye on Isaac.

"Dad, you know I will." I told him.

"Sometimes, I just worry." Dad admitted to me.

"It's not healthy, we'll be ok. I'll even drive him from school everyday." I told him.

"But you have football practice." Dad said.

"I'll figure something out." I told him honestly.


Author's Note

A little more background knowledge was put into this, now you know more about the characters, especially Isaac.

Alright: West or Isaac?

What date did you read this one? This chapter was written on June 8, 2017.

Word Count: 534

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