A Day of Advils (Part 1)

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I groaned and rolled to my side. My head hurt. My throat burned. My head felt like it was spinning round and round. Even worse my stomach felt like it had been turned upside down a few times. All at once I stood up and ran to the bathroom, barely making it to the toilet. I threw up everything that was in my stomach, and then I threw up some more. Isaac came in the bathroom after me.

"Do you want to eat anything?" He asked me. I shook my head, not even looking up at him. I couldn't even look at his face. I couldn't remember much of the night before. All I remember was hitting Isaac, there being a lot of blood, and then getting drunk. Nothing in between that. I don't even remember how I got home from the party, because I sure as heck didn't drive back here. Walk actually. Because I didn't take a car. I probably couldn't even walk then. "I'll get you an Advil and some water."
Isaac told me. I threw off my shirt, that had bits of throw up on it and threw it in the laundry pile. The one that was never done for weeks. Maybe months. I stumbled back to my room, still feeling dizzy and sick. I peeled my pants off and threw them in the corner of my room. I got a pair of sweatpants and an old gray t-shirt, I pulled them on me and fell on my bed. My throat still burned and it felt like a desert in my mouth. I didn't want anything more than to just sleep it off.

Isaac walked in the room, carrying a bottle of water and a small blue pill. He handed them both to me.

"Better?" He asked, though I could hear the iciness in his voice. I wanted nothing more than to apologize, over and over to my little brother. The words just wouldn't come out though. My eyelids kept sliding closed, and I could barely get the pill down my throat with the water. Frankly, I couldn't even look Isaac in the eye. Not even in the eye, but I couldn't even look at his face. "Come on West, just sleep it off." Isaac told me. I laid down and closed the water bottle, but laid it next to me.

"What about school?" I mumbled. I had hit my brother, broken the biggest promise I ever made to him, and that's the first thing I tell him. Great West. Great.

"It's Saturday idiot." Isaac told me. Sure Isaac and I would go around calling each other idiots, but I could hear the edginess in his voice and how he truly was mad at me.

"I'm an idiot." I mumbled.

"Yeah you are." Isaac confirmed.

"I'm sorry Isaac." I mumbled, as I drifted off into my own sleep.

"For what?" He asked me.

"Everything." I whispered, right before I let myself sleep.


Author's Note

What did u think about this chapter????

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Word Count: 512

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