The Grand Magic Games: The Dark One Takes The Field

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"Are you sure about this (F/N)? I mean your still blind. It doesn't matter if you can use your magic to detect your opponent." Smiling to yourself you chuckled at Caxin's almost parental nature to you. "Don't worry. The curse the Dark Forest left upon me is still with me, and unlike my predecessor, I control the curse. Not the other way around." Sighing in defeat you heard Caxin shake his head, his armor rattling to give it away. "Fine. If you are beaten though, don't say I didn't warn you." It had been this same conversation everytime you wanted to enter a battle you two had for the last eight years. You had come to accept you might be blind for life, but that didn't impede you in any way. You were cursed with the darkness of the Dark Forest, and used the affinity for magic you gained to dominate the field. Walking down the steps you never once stumbled as you walked into the arena, staff in hand. "Oh what's this? It seems the blind fighter of Fairy Tail, (F/N) (L/N), has taken the field for this fight. This should make it interesting folks." The announcer chattered through the microphone. "Now to the arena will be his opponent from the Hunters Guild." As your opponent stepped to the field you felt the first ever jolt of doubt and fear as the announcer called out the name of your opponent. "Oh wow, the Rider of the Hunters Guild has taken the field, Carter Slade." At this everyone erupted in cheating and applause, he had become something of a local celebrity for his work in clearing out demons. Everyone quieted as Carter stepped up to you, "I've been looking for you for awhile. Anything you want to say now? Before I send you back to Hell?" Shaking your head you replied, rather irritated, "Just that your still going after an innocent victim of the Woman of the Woods." Scoffing he replied, "I'm sure Dark One. I'll be sure to give Fairy Tail your ashes." You leapt to the side now as he tried his trademark quick draw shot with his sawed off. Keeping a neutral look on your face you leapt back as he tried to use his blessed chain as a whip.

This sort of pattern played out for awhile, you dodging all his attacks as he switched seamlessly between melee and ranged assault. However you grew tired of this, having to always do this for fear harming him would only justify his desire to kill you. Leaping forward you grabbed his collar, latching your other hand to his face. You roared out, "Kneel before me!" As he knelt he looked at you, your face aglow and revealing your eyes as they used to appear, determined and pained. "What are you?" He hissed as it felt as if your hand were burning into his skin. "Why don't you see for yourself?" Your voice seemed to take on an echo as your darker side, the curse, echoed your words. Suddenly it flashed before his eyes. The Woman taking your eyes and Sigil Stone, lying to him to make him fight you. Tears welled in his eyes as he realized what he had done, and the hell you had been through.

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