Dragon Slayer Made Slave: Gol Hah Dov

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It was storming in Fiore the night Tullius died upon your blade. For as that story of vengeance closed, two of the strongest warriors of Fiore and Skyrim faced off. They stood atop a desolate mountain, each appearing human. But both held vast power in their bodies. "So you are the first Dragon Slayer. And yet I am the first Dragonborn. If I were to bend you to my will, Acnologia, we would be unstoppable." Miraaks deep voice boomed along the mountain top, Acnologia showing no signs of response, only offering a meager reply. "None shall rule me. I will destroy anyone who tries to stop me." With that he began to turn and leave, but in an instant Miraaks sword was to his neck. "It was no offer. It was a demand." Growling Acnologia opened his mouth to use a dragon roar when Miraak turned to him and let out a shout of his own, "Fus Ro Dah!" Sliding along the mountain Acnologia barely recovered in time to reply with his roar, blasting the Dragonborn with energy. "Fiem Zii Gron." With these words Miraak became an apparition, incapable of dealing or receiving damage. The moment this ended he was back to attacking Acnologia, shouting twice in rapid succession. "Mul Qah Diiv. Gol Hah Dov." The first encased him in an armor of pure magic, as the second banished all but obedience from Acnologias mind. "You serve me now. Dragon Slayer." He spat these words with contempt as Acnologia knelt at his feet. "Yes master. What is my first task."

It was quiet outside as you sat on the steps of High Hrothgar, the wind having stopped for now as you had a fierce mental debate with yourself. You weren't sure if you should apologize to Juvia or not for how you acted, but you also didn't want to destroy the relationship already between you two. Sighing you looked out upon the stars, never noticing Gray walk up behind you. "What's on your mind? You seem pretty down." Sitting beside you he looked at you as you almost ignored him, too wrapped up in your thoughts to see or hear him. "Oh what? Sorry Gray I was just thinking." Smiling you played it off successfully as he nodded. "Ok. I just needed a break from Juvia, she tried to cuddle with me to 'keep warm,' in her words." Chuckling you looked at him, then leaned against your arm. "Do you even like Juvia?" You asked, wondering why he always seemed to avoid her so much. "As a friend yes. But she's too clingy and thinks we're a couple or some crap." Chuckling to yourself you looked at him, and replied. "That bugs you too?" Looking at you curiously he asked. "What do you mean by that?" Shrugging you stood up. "I'm jealous of you getting Juvia so easily." Brushing off your pants you went back inside, leaving Gray to try and figure out what to do about what you just said.

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