Acnologia Vs The World Eater

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"Master are you alright?" Acnologia asked as Miraak mounted him, and took to the air. "I will be. For now we must escape so that I can regain my strength." Groaning Miraak painfully sat up, pained after the blast you had delivered.

"You can't hide from me you two!" You roared out at them, summoning your own dragon mount so you could catch them. Beneath your feet spawned a massive oblivion portal, and put flew out a dragon, which you mounted. Only Caxin knew who it was besides you. "Your riding Alduin?! (F/N) what are you?!" You yelled back "I'll explain when I have Miraaks head. For now be quiet and watch a real battle." Alduin growled. "Dovahkin spawn. What do you wish of me?" Smiling you patted his head. "See Miraak and his dragon? Kill them both." You ordered, watching as he charged after them, his wings beating the air furiously. He sunk his teeth into Acnologias throat, clawing onto him to stay in place as he tore at the dragons throat. Acnologia turned and tried to blast or bite alduin, but was incapable as he was flat against his opponent. "Good work alduin, Miraaks mine now." Leaping onto Miraaks back you charged forward unleashing a flurry of blows, each totally destroying the barriers of tentacles Miraak raised. Soon you were before him, his sword plunging into Skyrim far below. "Come on Miraak. Let's see if that voice is still there." You taunted, striking him hard and cracking his mask. Now you grabbed his throat and threw him from the dragon and roared a final attack. "Shadow lightning Dragonborns Dragon Roar!" Blasting him into Oblivion you now focused on Acnologia, who had finally been weakened in his dragon form now you raised your hand and gathered some of your power in your hand and struck him, completely forcing him out of the dragon form and to take on a human form. "Alduin!" Your loyal slave flew beneath you and clutched Acnologia in his talons ad you landed. "Let's go!" You now flew back to the mountain, laughing gleefully as you did. "Finally. I've found my calling." You hissed to yourself and jumped off of Alduin as he dived headlong into the Oblivion Portal with Acnologia in his talons. Now you let your transformation wear off, leaving you with a wide proud grin as you walked up to everyone. "You guys miss me?" Everyone stared at you, some with fear, the Greybeards with concern, and Juvia. Juvia had a look of sadness to her. "What? What's wrong?" You asked, suddenly very worried. "Are you a Daedra now? Or their thrall or something?" Caxin had his hand on his sword, ready to strike if need be. "No of course not. When I died I was cast into Coldharbour. But it turns out that my father had killed Molag Bal and taken his place. So instead of punishment I get taught Dragonborn Dragon Slayer magic." Caxin shook his head. "Still. Power like that is rare for a reason, don't go abusing it." Now it seemed Caxin had a hate to his attitude. You put it aside. You were home again and now you had better things to do.

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