Chapter 12- Moving in [Cassie's POV]

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 *1 year later*

   So Toby and I have been dating for a year now and I was finally moving in with him.

   He was going to pick me up in a couple minutes with the moving truck and I was just doing some last minute packing.

   "Hey gorgeous" I said answering my phone.

   "Hey beautiful. I'm pulling up right now. So be ready" Toby said.

   "I'm alwasy ready for you Toby" I said in a seductive tone.

    "You're dirty" he said laughing.

   "I'll be down in a second. I love you" I said laughing too.

   "I love you Fish. See you soon" he said back.

   I walked down with a couple boxes and saw Toby and the truck in front.

   "Hey you" I said walking over and kissing him.

   "You ready to do this?" he asked for the billionth time.

   "Toby! Stop asking me that. If I wasn't ready to move in with you we wouldn't be doing this" I said reassuring him.

   He just smiled and kissed me.

   When we had all the boxes and funiture down, we got in, and starting driving away.

   All I kept thinking was how excited I was to finally be moving in with Toby.


*1 week later*

   Nothing really exciting has happened since I've moved in with Toby.

   I've been in a lot of his videos though. Specifically his daily vlogs. Since dating Toby, I have gotten a lot of mentions of Twitter; some not so nice, but I ignore those ones.

   It's nice living with someone, but Toby has been really busy lately. He's either doing Annonying Orange or something for someone who sponsors him. I barely see him anymore. it's nice to have Gryphon, but I still get lonely.

   I guess sitting on the couch, watching movies with Gryphon is amazing, but it still gets lonely. But I really shouldn't complain. I knew he was a busy guy and I knew what I was getting into.

   Speaking of Gryphon, I need to feed him.

   I got off the couch and walk to the kitchen.

   "Gryphon! Come eat boy!" I yelled.

   Gryphon comes running in, jumping and wagging his tail.

   "Do you wanna treat? You wanna treat?" I asked in a silly voice.

   I had been around Toby for WAY too long. His personality is starting to rub off on me.

   After I had fed Gryphon, I sat back down on the couch and watched Frozen.


   I must've fallen asleep because I was woken with a loud slam of the front door.

   "Fish!" Toby screamed.

   I immediately knew he was drunk because he always screams when he's drunk.

   "I'm right here Toby. No need to wake up New York" I said rolling my eyes.

   He stumbled over to me and started kissing me really sloppily.

   "No Toby. You're drunk and you know I won't kiss you if you're drunk" I said pushing him off.

   This is when I looked over at the clock and noticed that it was 2:30 in the morning.

   "What the fuck Toby? It's 2:30 A.M.! You told me you'd be home at 10 p.m.!" I said getting angry.

   "I just stopped at the bar for a few drinks" he said rolling his eyes.

   "Don't you dare roll your eyes at me Toby Joe Turner! You could've called or texted me. Whatever! I don't care. I'm going to bed. Goodnight Toby" I said walking away.

   "Fish. Please stay?" he pleaded.

   I kept walking and got into our room, closing and locking the door behind me.

   I laid down in bed when I heard the doorknob starting to jiggle.

   "Cassie. Open the door please?" he said in a sweet voice that almost made me get up. But I brushed off the feeling, covered up, and closed my eyes.

   After a couple minutes the door handle stopped moving and I heard Toby walk away.

   This is the shit that makes me regret moving in with Toby. 

My Savior Was Disguised as a Dork [Toby Turner FanFic]Where stories live. Discover now