Chapter 20- The Wedding [Cassie's POV]

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*6 months later

   Today was the day of my wedding and I was vibrating with excitement.

   I had 5 minutes until I was walking down the isle and I was getting a little nervous.

   What if I trip or Toby changes his mind? What if Olga shows up and ruins everything? I don't think I could handle those things. But I'm not going to stress myself out.

   "Cassandra. It's time" my mother came in and said.

   "Let's do this" I said shaking.

   We walked down to the end of the driveway because we're having an outdoor wedding.

   My stepdad came an we wrapped our elbows together and the music started up.

   "You're going to be fine Cassandra. Stop shaking sweetie" my dad whispered.

   "I'm trying dad. I'm just excited" I whispered back.

   We started walking down and I immediately locked eyes with Toby.

   He looked absolutely stunning. He was wearing a black suit, a white shirt, and a red tie. He did that because of his video thing.

   But I didn't care what he wore. As long as he was standing there and I was going to marry him.  

   So we got up to where Toby was and dad handed me off to Toby.

   He looked at me in the most loving way and then the pastor started speaking.

   "Toby and Cassie have decided to write their own vows" the pastor said.

   "Cassie. I tell you this everyday, but I love you more than I've loved anyone, ever! It's going to sound cliché but you are my missing piece. I honestly don't think I could lie without you at this point. We've had our ups and downs, and our really bad time, but we've always found our way back to each other. I want to marry you because we're meant to be and I want to be with you for the rest of my life. I love you Cassandra Lynn Davis and I always will" Toby said, tears starting in his eyes.

   "Toby. You are my everything and not only could I NOT live without you, I don't WANT to live without you. We've had our bad times but we always make up because we love each other. I want to be with you forever. I'm the luckiest woman in the world to have met you Toby. I'm so glad I went jogging and bumped into you that first day. I couldn't imagine my life without you. I love you Toby Joe Turner and I will forever and ever" I said tears running down my face.

  "Do you Toby take Cassandra to be your lawfully wedded wife, in sickness and in health, for rich or for poor, for better or for worse, so long as you both shall live?" the pastor asked.

   "I do" he said smiling.

   "And do you Cassandra take Toby to be your lawfully wedded husband, in sickness and in health, for rich or for poor, for better or for worse, so long as you both shall live?" the pastor asked.

   "I do" I said smiling.

   "Well then, I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride" he said looking at Toby.

   Toby took my face in his hands and kissed me so tenderly in brought tears to my eyes.

   "I love you so much Cassandra Lynn Turner" he said still holding my face.

   I cannot believe I'm Toby's wife and he's my husband and I cannot believe my last name is now Turner.

   "And I love you Toby Joe Turner" I said smiling and kissing him again.

    "That sounds amazing. I can't believe we have the same last name. I can't wait to buy a house with you and have kids with you" he said as we walked down the driveway.

   We climbed into the limo and I cuddled into him.

   We were finally married and I couldn't believe how happy I finally was.

   And I finally realized that my savior was disguised as a dork.

*Sorry it took my forever to update. I've been really busy lately, but here it is. How was it? This is the end of the official story, but I am posting an epilogue, so there will be one more part.

Hope you enjoyed this story. I worked really hard on it and put my heart into it. <3 

My Savior Was Disguised as a Dork [Toby Turner FanFic]Where stories live. Discover now