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Anthony's POV

Fuck I mentally said to myself. This shouldn't be happening. As I waited there for my lawyer and for name to be called my buddy Thomas arrived.

"What trouble did you get into now?"he asked with a flat tone.

"I got caught trespassing." I said back to him.

"What the hell?! You're getting yourself into a shit load of trouble lately. You need to stop." He protested.

"I can't help it. That's how I am." I explained.

"Mr.Ladao"called the judge."You were caught on private property. Your punishment is to spend three weekends in prison.Visitation rights are prohibited."said the judge than pounded his gavel.

"Your ass got lucky Anthony. It could've been a lot worse. No more of this behavior. If you do get thrown in prison for good don't come crying to me." Thomas said.

"I shall try my best mother." I said with a smirk on my face.Thomas was less than amused.


May's POV

"Dad I don't want to move half way across the country. I want to stay here in Michigan."I slightly whined in protest.

"May, I know you don't but my work is over there. We leave in two days so go and pack your things please. Tell your sister to pack as well."he said.

My father works at a publishing house and they just moved him to Washington.If my mom was here she would say it'll be a great new experience. New people and new memories. Ever since she died it hasn't been the same here in the Davis household. I'm gonna be the new kid again and that has my stomach tied in knots. I've lived here my whole life and made so many friends.

"May get your sister so we can get more packing boxes." My father yells from downstairs.

"Okay I'm coming." I yell back.

We drive to the store and get more boxes for our move. The ride back is silent aside from dad being on the phone with work the whole time.

"We'll take care of the rest of the stuff in the morning and the movers are coming to get the bigger items." My father says.

We sit in silence once again all through dinner and I have flashbacks of the exciting dinners we used to have with my mother. As I'm about to get under the covers to sleep I hear a tap against my window.

"You didn't answer my calls. I had to make sure everything was okay."Matt says.

Matt and I have been dating for three years now.He's very handsome, tall, and muscular. We met at my friend Ana's birthday party.

"Let me in so we can talk."he silently screams.

I rush down the stairs, open the door, and leap into my boyfriends warm arms."I'm glad to see you too babe."he says and kisses me on my forehead.

We head up to my room and he notices all my things are packed.

"You're moving? Why didn't you tell me?"he sounds shocked.

"I'm sorry. I just found out last week and I thought that my dads work would just keep him here."I say.

"It's okay babe lets just make the best of your last couple of nights here."he says in a very loving tone.

We stay up talking for almost three hours until we finally fall asleep into each others arms.

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