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May's POV

I sit here at the counter sitting at the glass full of water in front of me. The water is still and surprisingly gives me a slight sense of peace. It is hard to wrap my head around the idea that we might be moving back to Michigan.

How am I suppose to just move when things between Anthony and I are good? If I move now it may make it harder for us if we were to get back together. If I tell him now it may affect something but if I wait he may hate me.

"Morning." My sister says walking into the kitchen.

I lift my head slightly and give her a small smile. I place my head in between my hands and try to focus on anything else. I look back at my sister and wonder how she is so calm about all of this.

"May stop thinking about it." She says peeling an orange she just took out of the fridge.

"How can I? I can't try to fix a relationship all the way in Michigan." I say and she throws a piece of her orange at me.

"Well when you don't think about it. It makes it easier for you to go about your day. Just like I'm doing." She says and a smile appears on her face.

"Okay." I say and watch as she starts to clean the dishes.

She reminds me so much of our mother. She would always be so calm about any situation. The one thing she would always say to us is don't worry about it too much. Whenever I would be stressed out about something my younger sister would be like my mom. She would handle it exactly like my mom would.

"So what are you doing today?" She says wiping her hands on the towel.

"I have that dinner tonight with Kayla, remember?" I tell her and remind myself that I need to ask Anthony if he would go with me.

"Well I was just about to order some pizza and watch Netflix. Want to join me?" She says picking up the phone.

"Of course. Just like we did at our old house." I say and she begins to dial.

  I walk back up the stairs and retrieve my phone.

Hey I know it's on short notice but would you come with me tonight? I send and wait for him to respond.

I reach the bottom of the stairs just in time to hear my sister I love you too.

"Who was that?" I say as she hangs up the phone.

"That was no one." She says reaching for the remote.

"Aw my baby sister has a boyfriend." I say running up and jumping on the couch next to her.

"Stop it." She says to me and I back away from her.

"You going to tell me who he is?" I ask her and she says no.

"Fine than tell me when you're ready." I say.

My mother would be so happy and my father would be sort of protective. We browse through thousands of movie titles when there is a knock at the door.

I stand up and grab my wallet before opening up the door. I grab the pizza and set it on the counter before paying them delivery boy.

"Thank you." I say and close the door.

My sister grabs the pizza and brings it into the living room. I sit down on the couch just as my phone buzzes.

Depends. Where are we going? Anthony sends me.

It involves us having dinner. Can you please join me? I send him and wait for a reply.

I grab a piece of pizza and my sister presses play on the movie.

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