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Anthony's POV

I wake the next morning with a huge headache and the sun burning my eyes. I rub my eyes and take in my surroundings. It takes me five minutes before I realize I am not at home. I sit up trying to gain enough strength to get up and get ready.

"Morning." A voice behind me says before slowly kissing my neck and wrapping their hands around my bare chest.

Shock fills every single one of my senses and I jump up from the bed.

"Why so jumpy Anthony?" She says wrapping the blanket around her.

"Oh my god. Oh my god." I say bringing my hands to my face.

"That's exactly what you had me screaming when we came up here last night." She says giving me a wink.

"I have to leave right now." I say grabbing my clothes off of the floor and throwing them on.

"Why so soon?" She says playing with a strand of her hair.

"I have a girlfriend that's why. Who by the way you know." I start to lace up my shoes and try to find my phone.

"I know but that's what made it fun. Plus you seem to forget about her when we were having sex." She says and I have to contain all anger I have not to hit her.

I finally find my phone and rush down the stairs out of the house so I can be as far away from that room as possible.

"Hey Thomas. Can you come get me please?" I say through the phone.

"Yeah. I'll be there in ten." He says hanging up.

I check if I have any messages from May and to my luck I have two. I open one of the text messages that she sent me at eleven thirty.

Hey babe. I was just wondering what time you were going to be here. I need someone to come keep me warm. Love you! 

I open the other message that she sent to me at twelve thirty.

Well it's clear that you are not coming home tonight. I'll see you tomorrow. Love you!

Holy fuck. She was worried about me while I was at this fucking party having sex with someone who I hate more than anything in this world. I see Thomas pull up in front of the curb and I quickly get in.

May's POV

I wake up in the morning with the realiization that it is now Monday and I have to go to school. I quickly get up and start the shower letting the heat replace the coldness of my body. I get out of the shower and start to get ready. I quickly dry my hair and put on one of Anthony's beanies before heading downstairs to meet Kayla in the car.

The drive to campus is short but feels weird since I have not been here in a couple of weeks. She parks the car and I walk down the familiar yet still new to me halls and towards my locker. I open my locker putting in the things I don't need and taking out my books for my first class. I feel a hand on my shoulder and I flinch at their touch. I turn around and notice Ryan.

"God Riley you scared me." I say giving him a warm smile.

"I can see that." He says.

We walk to our first period together and take our seats. I'm relieved to see that we have a substitute today. I can't help but think that today is going to be a good day. The next few periods go by quick and it is now lunch time.

"Hey May. Come sit with me." Ryan calls my name and both Kayla and I walk over sitting down across from him.

"Ryan this is my friend Kayla. Kayla this is Ryan." I say and they both exchange a pollite nod.

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