Chad and Britney- Their Story *** Chapter One

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OK, so I uploaded Tru Love earlier. I don’t know if you guys like it or not. However, this story is one of my favorite one’s to write. I haven’t really come up with a proper name for it, right now I will call it Chad and Britney. If you guys have any suggestions for the title I would love to hear them. Also please vote and comment let me know what you guys think.  I have wrote this story over a year ago, and today I decided to add it to watt pad and see what people’s reactions are. So please let me know. Vote, and comment.



I had been sick for about four weeks. Even though I still went to school, however I was always throwing up.  Even though I was sick and puking my guts up I was able to hide it from my husband Chad for all of three weeks. I say I have been sick for four weeks but I do believe that it was longer than that, but the vomiting started four weeks ago. Once Chad found out he told me to make an appointment with my doctor to find out what was going on with me. I made my appointment for November 6, which was for a Friday at 8 am. Since Chad had to work, he is a P.E. coach at Etowah middle he had his mom Teresa take me.

I meet Chad Clay when he moved next door to my dad’s house the summer after my freshman year of high school. As he was new to the neighborhood and to Tennessee I told him that if he ever wanted to go sightseeing or anything that I would show him around Kodak, I also told him that I could help him unpack if he wanted me to. He accepted on both questions. I was at Chad’s house every day during the summer. He and I got really close, we even started dating. Our age didn’t really matter to us. I was 15 and he was 23. My dad didn’t care about the age difference either as long as I didn’t get into trouble or Chad got into trouble. Daddy didn’t care about what I did as long as I stayed out of trouble. Plus he was always working so I was usually on my own. Mom left us when I was 7 and then we found out a year later that she was in an accident and died. Chad told me that he came to Kodak so that he could teach  Algebra II for a year. He was taking the place of his friend Mr. Miles. The summer flew by fast, since I was hanging out with Chad all the time.  We were boyfriend/girlfriend but we never did anything more than kissing.

 When school started we decided that we wouldn’t let anyone know that we were a couple for different reason. However, we decided to save money and gas that he would give me a ride every day, and if anyone asked he was a friend to my dad. The first day of school was good. I got to see my friend Cassandra. She had left the country for the summer so we didn’t get to hang out that much, nor did I tell her about Chad and I’s relationship. All she knew was that he became friends with daddy and I would stay at his house sometimes. Anyway the first day of school I got my schedule.  I had Language with Mr. Blake first block.  Biology with Mrs. Coley second block. I had Algebra 2 for my third block, I didn’t think about it but when I had seen the name I was happy, I had Chad for my teacher. Of course I knew that I would have to call him Mr. Clay during class but I didn’t care because I got to see him more. And then I had Coach Brooks for P.E Fourth block. Cassandra was in all of my classes which were good. Cause we not got to spend time together.  Lunch was during our third block class.

I really loved school, so it didn’t bother me too much. The first week of school all the kids loved the new math teacher. Everyone thought he was hot/cute. All the girls stared at him with googely eyes. What really got everyone was when Mr. Clay was asked if he had a girlfriend. He told the class that he did, while looking at me the whole time. My classes were all fun I was in AP classes and it was all easy I was an A student the whole year. During school no one would have guessed that Chad and I was seeing each other. Sometime he would make it look like I was in trouble with him so that I had to stay in his class room during lunch, but all we did was talk, and sometimes make out. Cassandra finally guessed that we were going out and thought it was cute.  I split my time between the two of them so that she wouldn’t feel left out. The year school year flew by really fast.

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