Chad and Britney- Their Story*** Chapter Nine

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Hey you guys, her is Chapter Nine. Hope you enjoy. Coment and  Vote if you like the story. I am still debating if I am going to finish it soon or not. What do you think should I or Should I keep it going? I can keep it going or I can end it soon. What do you think?



            Chad went into to work at eleven thirty, that way he would get to the school before twelve. Britney told him that she was going to go hang out with her friends. She told him that she wasn’t going to tell them as she was going to let them be surprised. She also had to go shopping for some more clothes so her friends and she was going to do that, as well as some things for her classes. Chad got to the school on time, and went into the principal’s office. When he got in there Chad told Mr. Mayes that he really appreciated the opportunity to work with him as well as the high school students. Mr. Mayes told him that he thought it would be a good thing, except that he would still have to hide his relationship with Britney, for the remainder of the year. However, they could still use the lie that they used two years ago when she started her that he was her uncle. (I can’t remember if I ever said what the lie was.) He said that, that was fine with him; however, there is a little glitch that no one knew of yet at the school. Mr. Mayes asked what it was and Chad told him that Britney was pregnant. He then proceeded to tell Mr. Mayes that it was not stopping her from anything, she has kept her grades at all 100’s and she planned on finishing school. Also the baby was not due until the beginning of June so it should not affect her grades and missing any more school then she already had for this year. Mr. Mayes, congratulated him, and then told him that as long as no one found out that it was Chad’s baby and Chad did not make any exceptions for her or show favoritism then everything would be fine.  He also told Chad that Britney and her group of friends would be in one of his classes. They had all done good, and had almost of the credits they needed to graduate except for one history, and some other little classes, but that is what they would be doing for the remainder of the year.  After they talked Mr. Mayes took Chad to his classroom, and then introduced him to the teacher that he did not know.

      While Chad was at work, Britney called Amanda, Kelly, and Miranda and asked them if they wanted to have a girl day. They hadn’t seen each other in a week, and she wanted to tell them what had been happening. They all agreed to meet up at Miranda’s house. It was around one when everyone got to Miranda’s house. Her parents were home, so it was a little wired at first, Britney hadn’t really told them she was pregnant, however, they did know that she was married. All of her friends parents found out last year, at her birthday party, everyone was cool with it. Since she one of the top students in the school, and she helped some of her friends out as well as they were all competing for the best grades. She got congratulations for Miranda’s parents, and then all the girls left.

      They all took one car, Britney’s Ford Explorer, and the first place they went was the mall. Britney needed to get some more clothes for school as it was still winter and her clothes were getting smaller on her. So they all went to the mall to go shopping, they ended up going to Murices as they carried clothes from size 0 to 24.  All the girls decided that they needed some knew outfits so they all shopped. Kelly ended up getting seven new outfits, plus some shoes, in all she spent over five hundred dollars on what she bought. Amanda being Amanda went over board and spent six hundred dollars on eight new outfits, jewelry, shoes, and jewelry. Miranda only spent 400 dollars, she ended up with six outfits, and shoes. They all thought that since they only had five months left they needed some new clothes, plus what they bought they could piece together, and they all shared their clothes since they all wore the same size. They were not really skiny nor would they ever be as they all loved there body. They each seemed like they were at the perfect weight and size. They looked healthy and new how to eat. Even before Britney was pregnant they all wore the same size. Now Amanda, Kelly, and Miranda wore a size ten, ware Britney being pregnant wore about a 16. But she bought some clothes that the girls could wear like dresses. She could fit into a size 12 and she did buy some size twelve’s but she wanted her clothes to be big on her so no one could see the baby bump. In the end she bought ten new outfits, some for school, and some for lounging around at home. She bought some new flats that she really loved and some jewelry. In the end she spent a little over six hundred dollar. (Britney and all of her friends are rich, they just don’t show it that often. And when they do it is usually buying clothes, or things for school. At school they don’t talk about their money and they don’t act like regular rich kids due, even the guys, they all act like they don’t have money. Unlike some people.)    

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