Chad and Britney- Their Story *** Chapter Six

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Hey all, so If you are reading this thank you. Please tell me what you think. And sorry for the long wait but things have been crazy this week. 


Once I got to the gym I seen Chad sitting at the Coach’s table (they used it as a desk for when they are on the gym floor). As soon as I was in the gym I just ran up to my husband crying uncontrollable. Before I could say anything he just hugged me, and then asked Lucas what was going on. Lucas told him that he heard me in the office trying to get a pass and find out where you were but Mrs. White told her that she had no reason to be here and she should go back to the high school, Then Britney told her who she was but Mrs. White didn’t believe her, she thought she was lying. Britney wouldn’t tell her why she needed to see you just that she needed to see you as you can tell yourself she is pretty emotional, but she won’t say why just that she needs to talk to you. Chad just told him thank you for bringing her to me. Then he picked me up and carried me into his office (Chad shares and office with Misty, they have two desks and a couch).  He sat us on the couch and then asked me what was wrong. All I could do was cry. Finally after ten minutes I was finally able to stop crying. I just looked at Chad for a few minutes. Then I heard Misty holler for him, so I told him to go see what she needed as he was still at work, and that I would go into the bathroom and clean myself up. I was still weeping, but trying to get it under control. He went to see what was going on (apparently some of the students were not doing what he had told them to, I heard him tell all the guys that they had to run three laps) then he came back into the office.

I went into the restroom and washed my face, and cooled down; I knew I shouldn’t be getting upset as it is not good for the baby. Once I was calm I went and sat back on the couch and waited on Chad. He finally came back into the office. He sat with me and asked me what had me so upset, he wanted to know if it had to deal with what happened at the doctors. I told him that it did. I then hugged him, because I needed to be wrapped in his big strong arms. I knew I was safe when I was in his arms. So once I was wrapped in his arms, he picked me up so that I was sitting in his lap and said “Britney, Honey, I love you but you have me worried what happened, why are you so upset?” I took a deep breath and then let it out and told him. “Chad, I love you, and I know that today is your 26th birthday, and I had it all planed out for you. Then I got sick and hid it from you. When you found out you told me I had to go to the doctors. Well I did, as you know I went today and they told me that I was perfectly healthy. That there is only one reason why I have been sick for so long, baby, I love you and I would never do anything to hurt you on purpose, I hope you know this.” Chad got a little worried then, and wanted to know what happened, he even got his phone out to call his mom since she knew. I stopped him before he could. I told him “Baby, Happy Birthday, and I love you, but it is not going to be me and you for much longer.” Chad just looked at me like I was crazy, and he said I was not making since. I told him “Chad, you and I are going to be parents, I AM PREGNANT and to be exact I am 12 weeks along.”  

I thought he would be mad but he just jumped up with me on his waist and started kissing me all over. When he stopped he said that he was so happy that he had always wanted kids. He told me that he said we could wait, so that I could finish school and all, but he was so happy. I felt good after that. I told him I was afraid that he would be mad and blame me for this and think it was a mistake. He goes “Britney Marie Clay, How in the world would this be your fault I am your husband, and if I recall it we both took part in the activity that causes pregnancy, so do not think for one moment that his is your fault, do you understand. Now come over here and give your baby-daddy a hug and kiss. So I did, it was about two by the time that I had informed Chad about the baby, he couldn’t go home quite yet because he had a meeting after school in the gym with some of the students, so he told me to stay in his and Misty’s office and he would come get me when he was done for the day. But before he left me, his last class was coming into the gym, he asked me if I wanted to tell people or if I wanted to wait a while and let it sink in.  I told him that I thought it would be best to just tell our close friends and our family. I didn’t want the kids at school to know right now. I wanted to bask in the glory of it. So, when he left me, he told Misty, she came in and told me congratulations, and she was happy. Then she asked if we were still on for tonight. I told her yes, Chad didn’t know what I had planned yet, he just knew something was going on, I asked her to tell the guys for me.  Then she went back into the gym, after texting the guys.

I fell asleep on the couch, and was woken up when Chad came into the office, telling me that it was three-thirty and it was time to go home. So we left the school. On our ride home, I told Chad that we needed to take a shower because we were expected at mom and dad’s house at seven. He asked me if I was up to it, I told him I was, so when we got home we both got ready. I called mom and asked her not to say anything to anyone, as I really wanted to tell them, she told me that she thought that was the best.  We got to mom and dads about seven fifteen. When we pulled up, Chad asked me what was going one, there were a lot of cars in the drive way. I just looked at him like I didn’t know what was going on. Once we were in the house everyone yelled “Surprise.” Chad just stood in shock, I told him Happy Birthday Baby.  Mom cooked all his favorite foods, and then we had birthday cake and Ice cream. When we were all done eating (we all sounded like kids) Chad got to open his presents. Before he opened them, I told everyone that I had something to say. Some of them knew some of them didn’t, Anyway, I told them, this year Chad is getting one present that is not here yet and it won’t be here until next year. They all looked between us and I shook my head to Chad and he told them that he was going to be a daddy. They all congratulated us. Then we told them that we needed to keep it between all of us as I didn’t want anyone from the high school to know (other than my friends, whom I was telling the next day). It was about ten o’clock when we got home. I was exhausted so I changed my clothes and went to bed. I had to go to school the following day.

      The next day I went to school. Amanda came and picked me up. On our way to school I told her that I went to the doctor yesterday and found out what was making me sick. I told her that I was pregnant. She was so happy for me, I told her thank you. When we got to the school before we went in everyone (Jeremy, Wesley, Miranda, Alex and Kelly) gathered around us in the parking lot and I told them. I then asked them to keep it between us as I didn’t want any problems form the other kids. They told me that they understood, and would be there for me if I ever needed them.  I was so happy. I didn’t have much problems out of my teachers because I had done all of my work (Amanda was bring it to me on a daily basis), so my grades were really up there, as a matter of fact her grades were still 100’s in every one of her classes.

      Time flew by really fast.  Britney went to every doctor’s appointment she had, Chad went with her. She still did not tell any of her classmates other than her friends that she was pregnant. She kept her grades up, all of her friend’s grades dropped two points but she kept hers at 100. Before she knew it, it was Christmas break. Even though she was 21 weeks pregnant on the 16th of December (last day of school until after Christmas break), she was not showing. Britney was glad because she did not want to deal with all of the abuse from her classmates, which she knew was coming. So the last day of school before break, Britney’s friends  and Britney just sat in all of there classes, talking about what they were going to do over the holiday, Britney didn’t know what Chad had planned, so she just listened to all of her friends. Most of them were going on trips to see relatives, and Amanda and Wesley, were staying in Gadsden, because there grandmother was sick. Britney made planes to hang out with them, if she wasn’t too busy, and of course Amanda was going to stay with Britney and Chad, for a couple days as well.  School flew by, so when they got out of their last class, they all headed over to Britney and Chad’s so they could help decorate Britney’s and Chads house and Christmas tree.

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