Chad and Britney- Their Story*** Chapter Twelve

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Well here is the next chpater, hope it is ok. I think it is boring but then it might not be for you all. I may add more tonight. Anyway hope you all like.


Once we got into the car, Chad just drove he was still mad about yesterday, and I was mad at myself. How was I supposed to know, I am still a kid even though I am married.  It was about two hours after we got on the road, that I told Chad to pull over. We were in the middle of nowhere so he pulled over. I got out of the car, told Chad to leave me alone for a little bit and started walking into a field. When I got a little way off, I started screaming at the top of my lungs. I know I shouldn’t have, and I was glad that no one was around but seriously my husband is pissed off at me, and I almost kind of lost my baby, so I thought I deserved to scream. After I was though screaming, I started laughing really hard. I just kind of fell to the ground, but I did it so I would not get hurt. Chad came running to me when he seen me sitting down. When he got to me he asked me if I was ok, I just looked at him and said “What Do You Think?” I told him that I was sorry and I hate it when he is mad at me. He told me he was sorry I just scared him that was it. He then kneeled down beside me and kissed me. I felt like fireworks were going off around me. After our kiss we got back into the car, and headed home. When we headed into Atlanta we stopped and ate, I was really hungry buy then. We ate at iHop as I wanted some breakfast food.

When we got through we headed home, it took us about 2 hours to get home from Atlanta. Since it was still early we headed to mom and dads. I knew that they would be worried about me and the baby, after I called her last night.  When we got there mom had dinner done, so we went ahead and ate. We came home a day before we planned, but the doctor said I should not be doing anymore walking around, in case I have the pains again. We all had a good dinner, and I told mom and dad both that I was ok, and if anything like that happened again I would tell Chad immediately. Around six Chad decided that it was time to get me home, in a bath and then to bed. He told me that I would not be doing anything all weekend and Monday we would both be missing school as I had a doctor’s appointment. I didn’t argue with him because I knew how protective he was.

Saturday, I called Amanda, and told her that I got home last night, but I was not allowed out of bed unless I had to, but she could still come over if she wanted to. She asked me why I was not allowed out of the bed, I told her that something happened in Savannah, and I would tell her all about it later. I told her that I didn’t want anyone other than her and Jeremy over today, that way Jer could talk with Chad, they were good buddies now. She said that they would be over by noon. Chad brought me breakfast in bed, and told me that I was not allowed out of the bed. I told him Amanda was coming over. He told me that I was still not getting out of my bed. That didn’t stop me from pulling him into the bed, I started tickling him, and he told me that I was still not getting out of the bed. I kissed him and he still would not let me out of the bed. I told him fine, and cuddled with him until Amanda and Jer came over. When they came over, we talked and then we all played card, the day passed by really fast. I could not believe it.

Sunday, we stayed in bed and watched chick flicks all day. It was kind of romantic really. Monday, I got to sleep in until nine. Chad got me up at nine and told me that I had a doctor’s appointment and that I needed to get ready for it.  We got to Dr. Grey’s by ten. I didn’t have a long wait when we got there.  Once we were in the back Dr. Grey started asking questions. I told her that everything had been going great up unit Thursday. I told her that I had been doing a lot of walking around Savannah during the week, and Thursday is when I started feeling the pain in my side. It lasted for thirty minutes and then left. Then it came back worse, I tried to hide it but it hurt so I screamed. Chad had me taken to the ER. The ER Doctor said that I was fine, but should be on bed rest, other than for school. Doctor Grey, did a sonogram, and said that everything looked good, but the other doctor was right I should be on bed rest. But I was allowed to go to school. I was not allowed to drive thought, I told her that was ok because Chad took me now as he was at the school with me. She said that I can go out and do things but if I go shopping or something I should use a wheelchair. Chad thanked her and we headed home when we were done. 

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