Chad and Britney- Their Story*** Chapter Ten

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Here is Chapter 10, hope you guys enjoy it.


The next day, Chad and I rode in his truck, that way we would not have to go home to drop off my car, before the doctors. School passed by really fast, there were more rumors about me, but I didn’t let it bother me. My friends were ready to kick butt but I told them not to worry about it. If it ever got to me I would let them kick the other kid’s butts. After school I stayed in Chad’s room unit three thirty, and then we left to go to the doctors.  It was about a twenty minute wait on the doctor, but we finally got back there. Dr. Grey told me that everything was going as planned, but that I needed more sleep, I told her that I took naps every day after school and ended up going to bed early. She said ok for now. She finally did a sonogram and we were able to find out the sex of our baby. She asked us if we wanted to know Chad started saying Yes, Yes, and Yes. I told her yes. We had been debating on if we were having a girl or a boy. He wanted a girl I wanted a boy. Truthfully I didn’t care as long as I had my baby soon. Turns out we are having a Girl. Dr. Grey took some pictures for us, and then we headed home. We stopped to eat first. I told Chad that I didn’t want to tell anyone yet, we would tell them in a couple of weeks. He agreed.

The next couple of weeks flew by fast. It was March before I realized it. My Classes were getting easy, but the kids were getting meaner. I tried to not let it get to me. My friends were a great support system. The rumors were that I had a one night stand; I slept with a guy for drugs. Then there was I was a hooker, and my favorite one was that I slept with some of my teacher last term for a better grade and it turns out one of them got me knocked up.  The middle of February we told everyone that we were having a girl. They were all happy for us.  It was a Friday before Spring break in March, and classes were going normal. It was the last day of school and Amanda told me that she wanted me to come over tonight for a sleep over. I told her sure why not. I needed a night with just girls. So we made a plan of it. After school was over I told Chad that I was going to Amanda’s for the night. He was ok with it, so I just rode home with her. I had some clothes at her house because whenever I got mad at Chad I would go to her house. We ended up watching movies all night, and fell asleep at around 2 in the morning.

The next morning at around noon, Amanda woke me up. She said that Chad had called and asked if I would come home. I told her I needed a shower before I seen him. So I jumped in the shower, and then went down stairs when I was done.  Amanda’s grandma Lou whom we all just called grandma made us lunch. I was starving, and I knew the baby was too. After we ate, Amanda took me home. Before we got up to my drive way, Amanda pulled over and told me to put on a blind fold. I looked at her like what and asked her why? She told me it was a surprise so I put it on. Then we got to the house.  When Amada stopped I heard her get out, but she did not come to my door, as I was blindfolded I didn’t want to try and get out as I didn’t want to get hurt. After about five minutes, someone came to the door and opened, when he put his hand on my arm to help me out, I knew it was my lovely husband. He also told me welcome home Mrs. Clay. I just blushed. Once I was out of the car I asked him what he had done. He answered me by saying that it was a surprise. Finlay he picked me up and took me up the stairs on the front porch.

When we got onto the porch, he told me to close my eys. I told him I had a blindfold on so  I couldn’t see. He said but the blind fold is coming off. I said ok, and closed my eyes. Next thing I feel his hands on my eyes, he counted to five, and then he told me I could open my eyes. When I opened my eyes everyone screamed “Surprise.” I looked around and everyone was there: Mom and dad (Chad’s Parents), my dad and Claris, Rose, Craig, Lora, Zack, Jason, Sara, Miranda, Kelly, Jeremy, Wesley, and Alex. Plus: Josh, Amy, Mary, Lucas, Erin, Misty, Blake and Shane. Turns out that Chad had a baby shower planed for me for three weeks, and he had invited everyone to it.  It wasn’t a normal party type deal, it wasn’t party food’s like you would think, He had a huge BBQ them for us. Chad had ended up grilling chicken, and hotdogs. Plus we had bbq baked beans, potato salad, green beans, and then there was a cute sheet cake. The cake was decorated with pink and purple, and a little blue, it said “Congratulations.”  After we all ate they decided that it was time for me to open my presents. Chad and I had not bought anything yet, even though I was 31 weeks I had not had time to buy anything for the baby yet. So I was surprised at everything I got. I ended up getting everything that I would need for the nursery. Chad went out to Babies R Us and bought a Sleigh Lifetime Convertible Crib in White, he also bout the changing table, and dresser for the nursery as well. When I opened the gifts the boxes were empty, he told me that he had them put up already, I could see them later. Mom and Dad bought us the rocker to match the things that Chad bought. My Dad and Claris bought us a Orbit Baby G2 Travel System Stroller in black. All of Chads sibling bought us cloths, dippers, and crib sheets. All of our friends bought clothes, dippers, and blankets. Plus everyone got us the bath things that we needed as well. With everything that we received at the baby shower, we were set with everything that we needed for at least a month or two. 

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