Chad and Britney- Their Story*** Chapter Eight

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Here is chapter Eight I hope you guys enjoy it. Thinking about ending it soon. IF you like it please Coment and vote.



The next morning Chad and Britney started packing to go to Kodak for a few days. Chad still didn’t tell Britney about the new job offer he was waiting till New Year’s. After they got clothes packed they lay around watching TV, and Britney was IM’ing her friends on Facebook. Around three Lora and Zack came over for a visit. It turns out that they were going to get married he asked her last night after they went home. They had been dating for 2 years, and living together for the past 6 months. Britney cooked some Hamburgers for dinner and they stayed to eat. Once they left Britney and Chad watched some TV, then went to bed about nine, as they were leaving early to go to Kodak. Chad called mom and told her that they were leaving for a few days. But they would be back by the second of January.

The following morning they left and went to Kodak. It was about noon when they arrived (five hour trip). When they arrived, they got a hotel room, and then went and got something to eat. They decided on going to Golden Coral, as that was one of Britney’s favorite places to eat. After they ate, they called Justin, and told him they were in town. He told them he got off at five and asked them to meet him at the house.

Around five Britney and Chad decided to head on over to Justin’s. They got there after five and Justin was already there. They knocked on the door and Justin answered. He did not know that Britney was pregnant so he was a little shocked to find out. He was a little mad at first but they told him that the baby was due after graduation. He was relived after that. Justin and Britney got caught up with each other on what had been going on in her life, and his. He told her that he had met a woman and they had been dating for over two years now. He then told Britney that he asked the woman to marry him and she said yes.  As soon as he told her this, there was a knock on the door. Justin, answered it and it was the woman he was talking about. They both walked into the living room, and Justin introduced them to each other. Britney, Chad this is Claris, Claris, this is Britney my daughter and her husband Chad. They hit it off together really well.  They all talked and talked for hours. It was about seven, when Chad told Britney it was time to go, as they needed some dinner and she needed some rest. They agreed to come back the next day.

      The next day, Claris, told Justin that she wanted to get married while Britney was there, he agreed to this.  They decided to get married on New Year’s Eve. Britney told Claris that she would love to help plan the wedding, so every day unit New Year’s Eve Britney was with Claris, helping plan a quick wedding. They bought flowers, dresses, and then a wedding cake. Justin worked every day so he did not have to help, and Chad just walked around Gatlinburg and explored. The day of the wedding, Claris was so happy, so wasn’t Britney. She finally had her dad in her life, and was gaining a new mom. She was so happy. The wedding went off without a hitch and they went out to dinner for the reception.

      Justin and Britney decided that they thought they should see each other more, and now that Claris was in the picture he thought that he would be a good dad. Even though he had always been in the picture he was never really there so he thought that he could change. Britney told him that right now she was in school and with the baby coming they will probably need help, so that he and Claris could come to Alabama every now and then and then once she get better after the birth then she, chad, and the baby (don’t know sex yet) will be able to come to Tennessee. Everyone thought that was a good deal. The day after the weeding Chad and Britney had to get home as she had to go to school in two days and he had to go to work. They told her dad and new step-mom bye and headed out.

      Chad and Britney stopped at mom and dad’s house on the way home, as they bought them back some souvenirs. Plus they decided to tell them how the trip was. They ended up eating dinner with them, and they talked for a few hours. After helping clean up the couple went home. Britney decided that she wanted to watch Breaking Dawn pt.1 so; they snuggled on the couch and watched it. When it was over they headed to bed.

      The next day Chad and Britney did things around the house. It wasn’t a mess but it was time for a dusting, vacuuming, and moping. Plus the window’s needed washed, and there was some laundry to do from their trip. Once they got done cleaning, Britney was hungry for some pizza so, Chad ordered her favorite bacon, pineapple, and lots of cheese. Once it got there they ate, and watched some movie on TV. Once they were done, eating and the movie was over Chad ran Britney a bath, and then he picked her up bridal style and gave her a bath. After her bath, which he had as well, they went to bed.  He had been debating on telling Britney about his new job, or just surprise her. He decided that he would tell her, but before he could tell her that night she was asleep. He fell asleep, holding his beautiful pregnant wife in his arms; he thought that life could not get any better.  

      The next day he had to go to the high school to meet with the principal, and get his room all in order. He didn’t have to be there until noon, so he got up and cooked Britney breakfast, while he was cooking, she finally woke up. She didn’t know where he was, so she went to the bathroom, when she got there she could smell the food, so she headed into the kitchen. When she got in there Chad did not hear her come up behind him, so she walked up behind him, and reached her arms around his back. But before he could do or say anything she put her hands over his eyes and says “Guess Who?” Then she started kissing his back, (he was standing in the kitchen in just his boxers). He answered her by say “My beautiful wife is that you?” Then he turned off the stove, and turned around.  She was standing behind him in nothing but her robe, and it was standing wide open. He started kissing her. The next thing they knew they were laying in the floor. He was making love to her, and she was craving it.  After they got through, which was an hour later, Chad warmed up the food, and they ate. While they ate he told Britney that he had something to tell her, and he hoped that she wouldn’t get mad at her. She told him to tell her. So he told her: On Christmas when we got back home, and I answered our messages, there was a message from Mr. Mayes. He called to let me know that there was a opening at the school for a history teacher. He thought I would love it so that I could be close to you. He doesn’t know that you are pregnant but I am going to be telling him today. I thought that this would be a good thing so that I will be able to be near you for the rest of the pregnancy. Britney just sat there; after she heard him she just looked at him, gave him a hug and told him that she would love that. Even though they would have to keep it a secret from everyone, but he is her rock, and now she won’t have to worry about anything come tomorrow or for the rest of the five months of school. 

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