Chad and Britney- Their Story *** Chapter Two

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Hey all so I hope that those of you who have read the first chapter are reading the second chapter. Please vote or comment on my story so I know if I am doing good or not. This is the first time I have ever shared my work, I really want to know if it is any good or if I am just dreaming. Anyway, here is chapter two. I will have chapter three up by Tuesday, if not tomorrow, because I have to babysite this week which means I get up earlie. Anyway hope you all enjoy...


Oh, I am still looking for ideas for the Name of the book. Right now it is just Chad and Britney, if you have an idea let me know.


Even though it was late I was able to see the road on how to get to our home, which Chad still would not tell me anything about, he said it was a surprise. Chad’s parents lived on the mountain which I was called Noccalula Mountain. They lived on a side road when you first go up the mountain. When we left the house, we went right and continued up the mountain. We passed a gas station, a bank, and a few more little shops. Plus there was a park, and a Restaurant called Jacks. When we got to the light in front of Jacks, we turned right on to another side road. We went down this road about four to five miles and then I saw a house to the left up on a hill. Chad was going fast down the road so I did not see too much plus it was really dark, when we got to the house on the hill Chad started to slow down, and then he turned into the drive way. He said that we were home. I asked him if this was his house that he lived in before he moved to Tennessee but he said no. I said well then how did you get it since you have been in Tennessee, he said he would tell me later. I said ok because I was in shock and awed by everything that had happened today with meeting my family in law and to what my dad had said. When we got to the door Chad opened the door but would not let me go in, he said that he wanted to carry me in as that was the traditional thing to do. So he picked me up bridal style and carried me over the thresh hold.

Once we were inside I noticed that there was nothing in the room we were standing in or in any of the rooms that I could see. So I asked Chad about this. He told me that he thought that we could pick out all of the furniture and things we needed together. He did say that there was a stove, refrigerator, and dishwasher in the kitchen for us. He also informed me that we had running water, electricity, and gas. As he had those all turned on when he bought the house. This brought me to the question of asking my husband how and when he bought the house since he had been in Kodak for a year. Chad said “When I moved to Kodak I sold the house that I was living in, because I didn’t know if I would be able to come back to Alabama this year. But in December I came back for that week vacation during Christmas break. Well I had been eyeing this house for years now; I knew it would make a nice home for me and my family when I ever decided to get married. Well when I came back for that week I knew that I would be asking you to marry me because that was one of the longest weeks of my life. You complete me. I also thought that you would like this house as well, so I went ahead and bought it. And I had the utilities turned on so that we could come here when we finally arrived. So how bout I give you a tour and then we can go to bed?” I said “sure but what will we be sleeping on?” Chad told me that he had bed already set up for us, his old one as he slept here a couple of nights after he bought the place. So he showed me around the house and I fell in love with it.

The layout of it like this: you drive up into the front yard. Part of the yard is fenced so you have to walk into the fence to get to two different doors. The one closest to the road is the front door. If you enter there you come into the living room. Off of the right of the living room you the dining room, then the kitchen, plus the door in the kitchen leads out to the laundry room and that is the second door you see when you pull up. If you go through the living room you have a little hallway with a walk in closet, then a big bedroom, and if you walk though that bedroom you come to another big bedroom and this one has a big walk in closet as well. The back bedroom was our room.  Off of the little hallway before the bedroom with the big walk in closet you go to the left for the closet and go right you go into the bathroom. When you don’t feel like going into the bedrooms from the bathroom you can go out of the front door to the bathroom and go into another hallway area. This area will take you to the dining room, or go to your left and into another bedroom.  Off of this bedroom you have another bedroom. After seeing the house I was tired, so we decided to go climb in the bed. We had a little fun before we went to sleep, but we deserved it. I love my husband.

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