Chad and Britney- Their Story *** Chapter Five

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Chad moves to Kodak Tennessee to become a sub teacher for a friend for a year. He meet his neighbors daughter Britney. They hit it off, and started dating.  Britney's father didn't care as long as she kept up good grades, and stayed out of trouble. The year passes and they both love each other very much. After Britney's 16th birthday Chad asked her to marry him, she said yes. They got married and moved to Gadsden Alabama.  First year of marraige has been great, they just celebrate there one year anniversery in France. They come home a couple weeks before Britney starts Senior year. 

Senior year, Brintey and her frinds decided to see who will have the biggest GPA for the year, they are always studying. They also go to football games to see Chad in action with his team. After Progress reports go out Britney starts getting sick, and doesn't know why. She kept it from Chad and the Family.It is now going into the middle of October, and Chad just found out. He is a little pissed off, and wants to know why she kept it from him, she don't have a good answer. He makes a Doctors appointment for her, and him mom has to take her. Britney is kind of scared right now as she doesn't know what is going on with her. Will she be happy about why she is gettting sick all the time or will she be upset? Time will tale.


That night Chad called Mom and asked her to take me to the Doctors, he told her that I had been sick for a while and that I had been hiding it, I told him that I didn’t want him to worry about it, I was fine, but he didn’t listen. After he got off the phone with mom, he ran a warm bath for me, and we both took a bath. It was something that we hadn’t done in a while. Yeah I know I had acted childish but who really wants there husband to see them sick, especially when you didn’t know what was going on with you.  After our bath, Chad cooked us some Chicken noodle soup and then we watched Twilight. It is like one of my favorite movies, and even though Chad say’s he don’t like it I know better, he thinks it’s funny because real Vampire’s don’t sparkle.  I fell asleep before the prom episode, so I do not know what time Chad went to sleep.

The next morning, Chad woke me up and told me to get ready for the Doctors. My appointment was at eight-thirty, and Mom was going to be there by seven-thirty. Chad and I took a quick shower, and then we both got ready. I was leaving before he was so we both had time to get ready.  He fixed me some toast and coffee for breakfast, I was feeling a little better but not to much. Then Chad told me that he would see me after school, he would have someone cover for him so that he would be able to find out what the doctor told me. I told him that was fine with me. Mom got there and I kissed my husband bye and then we left. Actually he left at the same time I did so he could talk to the principle at the middle school Mr. Mayes.

It took about thirty minutes to get to the doctors office. I was seeing Dr. Grey today, as she was my primary doctor. Chad and I had decided that she would be the best doctor when I moved here a year ago.  She was a primary family doctor so it didn’t matter about age, and Chad was one of her patients as well. She knew that I was his wife but the staff didn’t. When mom and I got there I went ahead and signed in and then started reading one of my texts book. We decided that if I got out of here before noon, then I would go on to school since I had missed a week already. Mom started lecturing me on how I should have told her, dad, or Chad that I had been sick. I told her it was no big deal; I thought it was just the bugs that were going around. I told her I would have told Chad eventually if I was not feeling any better. At eight thirty the nurse called me back into the room. She got my vitals, weight, and height. Then she asked me what was going on. I told her that I had been sick for the past two months. After she got all of my information, she left, and told mom and I that he doctor would be in with us in a few minutes.

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