Chad and Britney-Their Story*** The finale Chapter

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 Thank you all for reading. I think that for this be my first story that I have ever published I have done an ok job with it. I plan on writing another story but it is not going to be a teacher/student romance. I haven't really thought of a name of it yet. But anyway, here is the prolog of this story. Please let me know what you all think of this story. If you like it or hate it please let me know. well now to the story,



 The following school year Chad became the principal of the High school.  No one had anything wrong to say about Chad and Britney’s Relationship. All of Britney’s classmates told her that they were sorry for the way they had all treated her, she told them all to forget about it. She was a teenager as well.  Two months after Lily was born Britney decided that she wanted to get a teaching degree. As it is hard to go to school at a regular campus she decided that she would go to an online school. Chad worked during the day while she was at home with the baby, and then when he got home she would do all of her school work. It took her two years to get her degree. 

The following month after Britney received her degree she got offered a job at the high school. She ended up taking it. Mom and dad took care of Lily for them while they worked. On there weeks off they would head to Tennessee to see Justin and Claris. Britney and her dad got closer and he loved his granddaughter very much. Three months after Britney started working she found out that she was having twins. She yelled at Chad and told him that this was it; she was not having any more kids after these two.  Lily was two going on three win the twins were born. They ended up naming them Christopher and Chase Clay. They were the spitting image of their daddy but you could still see some of their mommy in them as well.

All of Britney’s friends ended up going to college in the fall. Amanda and Jeremy stayed in Gadsden to the local college for two years. They ended up getting married after their two years of College. They decided to go into the family businesses so they really didn’t need any degrees. The parents were partners for some high tec. Company in Gadsden. They had a huge wedding, three months after the wedding Amanda got pregnant with twins. When the babies was born they named them Jessica and Grace.  Wesley joined the family business as well, but he decided to take classes online, and work. He and Miranda ended up splitting up so she could go off to college. She wanted to become a lawyer and Wes didn’t want to move. He ended up getting involved with a woman (Lisa) at work; they got married a year later. They decided to wait on the kids for a few years as they were both only 20 when they got married. Alex and Kelly announced that they were expecting a baby right after graduation. They both got married and moved to England where Alex’s dad ran a security company. They come back every few months after the baby was born, so that she (Rose) could meet all her aunts and uncles.

Every six months everyone except Miranda got together. This was so Alex and Kelly could see everyone. Of course Amanda and Britney were always together. The twins and Amanda’s baby were born three day apart.  Both sets of twins grew up together and they were never separated. They even played around that they were married when they grew up, and that is exactly what happened when they were old enough.

Chad and Jeremy remained good friends as well. Everyone became on big happy family. Chad is still the Principal of the high school Twenty five years later. Britney became the assistant principal. Everyone is very happy. Wesley and Lisa ended up moving to Japan to start a business there. They ended up having a baby five years after they got married.  Everyone still gets together for a BBQ every year. However, now it is just not the adults and kids anymore it is the adults, kids, and grandkids.  Everyone is happy, and in love and when asked they are all one big happy family.

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