Chad and Britney- Their Story*** Chapter Thirteen

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So here it is. The story is coming to an end. I have one more chapter to write. In the future if I have anyone take an intrest of this story I may redo it but I don't know. This is the first one that I have ever wrote and put up for someone to read. Hope someone likes it. I plan on writing another story but it will be different then this one. Hope you all enjoyed it. Vote,  and Comment.



         The day after my doctor’s appointment, I went back to school. Chad took me to school and told me that I would have to come to his room after all of my classes. He even told me that I would have to come to his room for my lunch every other day. It really sucked, because all of my class mates thought I was in trouble with him. It was funny to because I was the only student that he ever had come spend lunch with him. No one really realized that we had the same last name, and if they did they didn’t say anything. I told all of my friends what happened and they said that they would come spend time with me, I was allowed to stay in the living room now, just couldn’t due any shopping or going out. I was ok with that because I was huge.

            School started flying by really fast. Chad still would not let me do much of anything, I did however, accompany him to baseball practice every day after school. He told me he wanted me with him incase anything happened to me. Plus he thought that I would slip out and go shopping or something like that, I told him I would never do that, but I laughed so he knew I was lying. I didn’t mind too much because he I would get to do my homework. We told the guys on the team that I was his second cousin and that I had been placed into his custody. They bought it and they didn’t tell anyone at school about it which was cool.  At school the kids started getting meaner than they were before break. There were a couple of teachers that even started in one me. Of course I never told them how the father was or anything. My friends all stuck up for me if any of the kids said anything to me. I was now classified as the class slut because I would not tell anyone who the baby’s daddy is. If anyone asked I would say it is an old boyfriend in Tennessee that I saw over summer break when I went and visited my dad. No one believed me but I was fine with it. April flew by fast, I didn’t let the kids at school get to me as I had to think about my baby. Chad did let me go have a fun day with my friends, one weekend of April. We had went to the doctors and she told me that I could start walking around the mall or Wal-Mart I just could not over exert myself. I told her I wouldn’t so that had a lot to do with Chad letting me do things with my friends. It was during my 35 week, and we went to a spa. It felt so good.

            May got here before I even knew it. The high school gives the seniors there final exams the first week of May. That way we could have the next two weeks to get ready for graduations, and do a little bit of school work.  My friends and I had gotten are exam grades back from our teachers and we all passed with 100’s in all of our exams. We all thought that was cool.  So when we got are grades we all went to my house and we celebrated. The week passed by so fast. Everyday Chad would take me to school, I would get made fun of, which I never told Chad about because I didn’t want him to get mad, then we would go to the field and I would watch him make the guys run laps, and practice ball. Then we would go home, and eat. I was tired a lot more so after we ate I would usually just take a bath with Chad, then we would make out, sometimes going further than that, and then go to bed.

            The week of the 14th through the 18th was really a lazy week. Chad had us watching a documentary on WWI. Mrs. Coley let us do whatever we wanted for her class. She was one of the good teachers. She didn’t mind that I was pregnant, she told me that she was proud that I was able to finish high school with the high grades that I had, even though I was pregnant. Everyone knew that I worked my ass off for my grades, even though I was pregnant. Mr. Green was out for the week so we had a sub. Monday when we got into reading the sub introduced himself to everyone even though we knew who he was some of us had already had him (Not my group of friends or myself). He told us that even though it was basically the last week of school, we still had work to do, and we would all do it. Of course we had lunch during this period; he told us that we were to go to the restrooms before and after lunch, as he would not be letting us out of his room at all other than for lunch he didn’t care no matter what. He also told everyone that he would not take pity on me as I was a stupid teenager who should have known better than to get knocked up. I just looked at him and said nothing. He told me that my other teachers may be nice to me but he didn’t feel sorry for me, and if I needed to leave the room I couldn’t. He also told me not to ask for anything. I started crying, and all of my friends were ready to kick his ass, but I told them not to he was only trying to break me. I wouldn’t let him. He told everyone that they were to read some story and answer some questions. However, he singled me out of the class and told me that I needed to write all the definitions in the back of our book, and that if I did not do it that he would tell Mr. Green. I did as I was told. During lunch I told my friends not to say anything to Chad because I didn’t want there to be any problems. They told me that they wouldn’t. For study block on Monday and Tuesday I just wrote all of the definitions so that I would have them done.

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