Chad and Britney- Their Story*** Chapter Eleven

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Hi all, Hope you guys are enjoying this story so far. I have enjoyed writing it. Please comment and Vote if you like it. Anyway here is the next Chapter.



It was about 2 o’clock when I woke up, and I had to pee. Being about 32 weeks, I had to pee all the time, so I had Chad find a gas station and I went pee. After I got done peeing I decided that I was hungry, so I got me some Pop, and a bag of Ranch Potato Chips.  I still did not know where we were as Chad was not talking. Once we got back into the car Chad told me that we had about 2 hours left, so I decided that I would stay up so I could see where we were going. I started playing some music, I put on my iPod, and the first thing that came on was Call Me Maybe. I loved this song so I sang along with the words; even Chad started singing it as well. I must have fallen back to sleep because the next thing I know Chad is at my door opening up and telling me to come with him. I still didn’t know where he was taking me All I knew is my husband had kidnapped me for a week.  I was not all the way awake so as soon as I got out of the truck I felt my legs being lifted off of the ground.  Next thing I know I am being laid down on the bed, and Chad is whispering to me, I hope you like it here. I asked him where is here he told me we are at Whispering Willow in Savannah. I woke up when I heard that. I told him that I always wanted to come here. He told me he knew that I did, so he decided to bring me before the baby came. I was so happy, I couldn’t go back to sleep right away, so when Chad got out of his clothes and laid down (he always slept naked), I decided to straddle him. When I did my belly was in the way but I was still able to kiss him like I use to. We had a good make out session. After a while he flipped us over and we ended up going at it for the rest of the morning. It was about seven in the morning when we went to sleep. Chad said he was tired and I needed some sleep, we had all week to see the sights, so we slept.

At around noon, I woke up starving; I noticed that there was some food on the table in our room. I got out of bed without waking Chad, and went over to see what it was. There was a note with the plate it said “Darling wife, if you are reading this then you are up before I am. I asked the maids to bring you something that will last until you wake. I know you are hungry, but I just don’t want you going out without me. I will see you when I wake up. Hope you enjoy, Chad.” On the plate there were several muffins so I ate them. When I got done I explored the room. It was a huge two room place. We had a California King bed; there were two dressers, and night side tables. We even had a little kitchenette, and a big 45 inch TV. The next room I thought was a room was really the bathroom. There was a huge walk in shower that could hold 4-6 people, and a huge tub. The way the tub was set it was like a hot tub. It was so big that if I sat in it and ran water I could run the water all the way up to my neck. It was like a pool to.  After I was through exploring the room, I seen that are clothes were in our room so I found a light dress that I could wear and decided to take a bath.  I ran hot water into the tub until it was about half way full, then I added some cold water and bubbles. I loved taking a bubble baths.  Once the tub was full I got in. I must have been in the water for a while, just zoned out (not sleeping) I was thinking about baby names, as we had not done that yet. However, while I was zoned out Chad must have come in. He was really quite; he climbed into the tub with me and started rubbing my back. It scared me at first until I realized what was going on. After about thirty minutes of Chad and I being in the tub together we got out, plus the water was cold now to. We both got dressed, and then we headed out for some dinner. We decided that we would stay in our room tonight and watch movies, and then starting Monday we would head into town and see what we could get into. We ate at a little deli around the corner form the hotel, as I wanted a sandwich. After we got are dinner, plus some for later we headed back to the room to watch TV. After a while I got tired so I went to bed. I slept all night because I was exhausted. I remember feeling Chad get into bed, but I had no idea what time he finally went to sleep.

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